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i feel like I'm falling more & more in love with Matthew every time i look at him & hear him & kiss him.

I'm just so happy that I have someone like him in my life.


"So what kind of date are you guys going on?" i ask as i do Rebecca's makeup again for the second time today.

I enjoy doing it though.

"Shawn is taking me to some kind of fancy restaurant & then he wants to sing a song he wrote for me" Rebecca says blushing & yes it was her not the makeup.

"Awhhhhh" Me & Gretchen say.

"what about you?" I say to Gretchen.

"He's taking me to some kind of club so I'm gonna be drunk before the night is over." She says fixing her hair.

"well did he make fake ID's because y'all are both under 21" i say chuckling.

"Nah Nash says he knows someone that'll get us in" She says.

"Ohhh ok" i say.

"Yeaaaa... What about you'' she says.

"Some place called Broadway at the beach." i say.

"Ooh ive heard of that place its like a huge mall & its got pretty much everything & its outside" Rebecca says.

"BABE IM READY" we hear Shawn shout as soon as i finish her makeup.

"ok ill be there in a sec" she says.

"byeee y'all have fun" i say hugging her.


Gretchen & Nash are going to wait a little until it gets a little dark so they don't get caught.

"Alright, I think me & summer are going to leave now" Matt says standing up.

"alright man" Nash says giving him a "bro" hug.

"Good luck bro, I'm happy your finally doing this" Nash whispers but i can clearly hear him.

"Thanks man" Matt says.

"byeee" Gretchen says as i walk out.

"Bye" i say & giggle walking over to the elevator.

i feel Matt wrap an arm around my waist as we walk to the car.

we both get in the car & Matthew automatically puts his hand on my thigh.

"dont you think you need both hands to drive?" i ask giggling.

"mmmm Not exactly" Matt says teasing me.

"wait do you not like it....?" matt says slowly pulling his hand away.

"No no, its actually relaxing" i say giggling.

He just smiles & keeps driving.

we keep moving all the way down the road to north Of the beach. & there is a huge Ferris Wheel. (A/n where myrtle beach is)


"that is probably so beautiful at night" summer says looking at the sky wheel.

"yea it probably does" i say.

wow she just spotted one of the places i was gonna take her tonight

i glance & look at her & shes smiling looking at her hands.

Awwh she's so cute.


we start riding passed all these cool places, like a haunted house, but the coolest was probably the wax museum.

we arrive 5 minutes later.

I get out the car & walk beside summer putting my arm around her.

we start walking & there's a t-shirt/ hoodie customizer place.

i hear summer gasp.

"you wanna get a customized hoodie don't you?" i ask smirking.

"how'd you know it was a hoodie?" she asks giggling.

"You'd pick hoodie over a shirt any day" i say chuckling.

"you know me so well" she says laying her head on my shoulder.

"But i wanna get a matching one like a couple kind" She says.

"damn that's a good idea" i say chuckling.

she giggles looking down as i grab her hand.

i look at her & she's blushing looking down.

gosh she's so beautiful... I cant wait for tonight but I'm also nervous.

"we need to make an idea before we go inside." i say.

"yup" she says.

we walk over to a bench & sit down.

"On the front of mine it should say He's my & have an arrow & then on the front of yours it'll be a super hero or Superman thingy whatever it is" summer says giggling.

"so then the back of mine would say she's my & have an arrow that would point to what you are to me which is my world so it'd be a picture of the globe on the back of your shirt?" i ask unsure if im right.

"awh that's so cute" summer says.

"well i mean im your hero" i say shrugging my shoulders & making a face.

she smiles & looks down.

"well I'm your world i guess" she says blushing.

she's making me fall more & more.


I know i cut the chapter off like that butttt i dont want to take 5 million days to update a chapter...😂

it was supposed to be a long LONG chapter but ya know the book is ending soon so i going to stretch out the chapters cause im not ready for the journey to end yet..😢

but ily guys so much!

btw ill have a pic of what the hoodies will look like in next update.


friends with benefits ; m.e [editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora