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I'm actually really scared for today because we're also finding out if they have any disabilities.

We're getting an altra sound. (A/n idk how to spell it..)

My stomach has gotten big. I think looking in the mirror.

I wake up super early because Matt already has to get up at 4 & I like to do what pregnant woman don't want there boyfriend or husband to see anyway.

Which is throw up.

& then I have to take my pills.

I make some coffee & sit down on the couch downstairs.

I check my phone to see what time it is & its 2:00.

I yawn just at how early it is.

I stare at the tv watching the news to see what's going on in society & it helps me come back to reality a little.

With attacks & Donald trump being close to becoming president.

I chuckle at the Donald trump tough.

It's scary though.

I watch some more & automatically know who I want.

Ted Cruz for prez plz.

(A/n please don't start some kind of political argument in comment😂 I like who I like you like who you like)

Good ass thing we're leaving Virginia because we're right up to where Washington is & if Donald trump is president... Yea.

I've finished my coffee & am no longer tired.

I look at my phone again & its 3:30 so I go upstairs to get ready.

Matthew is up & he's laying in the bed on his phone.

"Goodmornin princess" he say fixing his hair getting & walks over to me & kisses my cheek.

"Goodmornin" I say looking at him in the eyes with my arms wrapped around his neck.

I notice there something on his mind.

He smirks & looks away.

"Soo you exited?" He asks.

"Yea you?" I ask.

"Siked" he says as he brushed his teeth.

I just smile & continue to get ready.


"Summer white" the doctor calls after sitting for like 1 hour.

I kinda cringe at them says summer white since I'm engaged.

Me & matt go to the back & see the doctor.

"Hi summer & matthew nice seeing you again" the doctor says smiling.

"Hi" I say back sitting in the seat.

"So today were gonna do a altra sound & also find out if the baby is a girl or boy & to see if they have any disabilities." The doctor says.

Let's get this over..

"We already know the baby is going to be biracial since your biracial.. The baby will be colored even if one of the parent isn't." The doctor adds as she puts the gel on my stomach & puts the machine to my stomach.

"Ok"I say.

Matthew holds onto my hand tightly.

It takes a while but we finally see the baby.

I gasp because the baby has grown a lot in like 3 weeks.


The doctor comes in a room that they put us in until the went over tests.

"Good news.. No disabilities" the doctor says smiling.

"We have found out the gender & have put it on this envelope so y'all may open when you feel to do so" the doctor adds.

She hands us the envelope & we thank her & leave.


On the way home me & matt debate on whether it's a girl or boy.

"We'll open it when we get home" I whine because Matt has been begging to open.

"You suck" Matt says playfully.

I stick my tongue out & roll my eyes playfully.

We get there & matt goes in the living took the envelope patting a spot beside him.

I giggle & walk over to the spot.

"Ok so on the count of 3 we'll open" Matt says.

"Ok" I say

"1..2...3" Matt says & yanks it open.

Heres the moment of truth...


Haha cliff hanger.

Comment below what you think.

Ily guys.💜


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