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Shawn starts to string the strings on his guitar.

I guess he was warming up.

He started to make a beat & I notice it's drag me down & then he starts singing which surprises me a little.

he's improved since the last time I listened to him.

He gets to a point where he makes a plot twist in the song & everyone like stays quiet but zayumm that was good.

Once he finished everyone started clapping & me & Nash said "ZAYUMMN" at the same time


"Your boyfriend is very talented" Gretchen says nodding her head her statement was towards Rebecca.

"You need to like audition for a show or something" I say.

"Yea maybe, but I'm not ready for that" he says smiling looking down.

"You will" summer says but I can't see her face since she was in my lap.

Then we just sit there & eat smores & but summer didn't eat that much.

She gets on her phone & then scoffs & stands up.

"The bitch was at Damon's earlier" she says showing me her phone.

It's a picture of Sammy in front of the sign.

"This is fucking nice we don't need him being the first person that finds out your pregnant...well other than y'all" I say.

"I swear if he hits on me if I see him" summer says looking out at the ocean.

"I fucking hate that bastard" I say rolling my eyes.

"Forget about him for nowwww" Rebecca whines.

"Exactly... Let's just have a little fun" Gretchen says lifting her foot.

She's gonna kick summer.

Which she does & summer stumbles & ends up in my lap with her legs around my waist with her hands on my chest because she was holding herself up.

"How di- you know what nvm" I say.

"GET SOME" Nash says.

"Sor-" summer starts getting up but I interrupt her & hold onto her so she doesn't get up.

"Stay" I say staring into her eyes.

We stare into each other's eyes & start to lean in & I get ready to kiss her but Shawn screams something from the ocean which makes us look but I guess that is where they were.

I guess me & summer got distracted & didn't notice they left.

"You ruined itt" I whine/shout.

"Haha sorry" Shawn says.

Summer smiles & bits her lip looking down & gets up.

friends with benefits ; m.e [editing]Where stories live. Discover now