Chapter Two

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*Not edited*

Bryn's POV

"Oh my gosh!" My mother gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as tears brimmed her eyes.

"They chased me all the way here before a cop drove by and they took off," I finished, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Are you hurt? If they did anything to you, I s-"

"Dad, I'm okay," I cut him off.

"No, Bryn, I wouldn't say that you are! You were chased through the city by a fucking gang that you saw kill someone!" He raised his voice as he ran his hands through his hair violently. I had eh ever seen him so angry and worked up before.

"What are we going to do? She could be in so much danger right now," My mother spoke up, distress still written across her features.

"The most obvious thing we are going to do for now is speak to the police. Someone was murdered tonight, that's not something we can brush aside," My dad sighed. "Go to the car, we are heading down to the station right now."

"Greg, maybe we should talk about this a little more and give Bryn some time to settle down."

"Marisa, there is no time to sit around and wait! The police should have been notified already! There is a man lying dead in an alleyway and those men could still be lurking out there somewhere waiting to get to Bryn!" He yelled, walking toward the door.

"If I tell the cops I'll be an even bigger target," I cried.

"It has to be done, sweetie. They will help you and do whatever is necessary to keep you safe. Try not to worry, alright?" My mother soothed, rubbing her hand along my back.

We left the house right after to go to the nearest cop shop. I was shaking in my seat with fear and anxiousness, nervous for what was about to come. There was that thought surfacing in the back of my head telling me that maybe they wouldn't find them and I'd forever be in danger. Even after telling the police al I knew I would still be at risk, for the longer I was alive, the more I could help lead the cops to them. And, revenge was always a possibility.

When we arrived at a station several minutes later, I was exhausted and even more worried. I wanted nothing more than to go back in time and stop myself from seeing what I did, then maybe I would be curled up in bed with none of this looming over my shoulder.

"Hi, is there something I can help you with?" A lady, who sat behind the front desk, asked with a bright smile on her face.

"We'd like to report a crime. Is there someone we can speak to?" My father asked, the rough time still in his voice.

"Yes, just hold on for a minute, please." She got up from her seat, disappearing down a separate hallway. She returned a few seconds later, a man in a suit trailing behind her.

"Hello, I'm detective O'Conner." He shot us all a smile, sticking his hand out for my parents to shake. "Follow me back here, and you can tell me what I can help you with."

We all started down the same hallway he had came from, turning into a small room with nothing but a table and a few chairs. We sat down on the opposite side of the table as him and my heartbeat immediately accelerated to a thousand beats a minute. I was visibly shaking in my seat, and the detective took notice.

"Are you alright, miss?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I-" My voice caught in my throat, preventing me from answering him.

"She's a bit shaken up," My mom answered for me, patting my hands that rested in my lap.

"That's okay." He sent me a smile. "Now, what is it you wanted to speak to me about?"

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