Chapter Nine

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*Not edited*


Bryn's POV

The first thought that surfaced my mind when I woke up the next morning was my encounter with Niall in the kitchen. We had almost kissed, and I was having trouble brushing that fact out of my thoughts. I couldn't push the tension I felt when I remembered it away from me, and I certainly couldn't get over how it was completely uncalled for. We should not have come as close as we did to kissing. It just wasn't right under our circumstances, and it would surely only make things more complicated if it had gone any further than it did.

It was already a whole week later, and the incident was well on it's way out of my thoughts by then. Of course, I still got a reminder every time Niall and I would look at each other, but I chose not to dwell on it anymore than I already had. I had managed to almost fully convince myself that it didn't matter much, considering we didn't even go through with it in the first place. But what stuck with me the most- what really made it hard to forget, was the idea that we would have gone through with it if it weren't for the microwave.

And then what would have happened?

Shaking my head to myself, I rid my thoughts on the subject. I didn't have the capability of wondering what if at the moment. It didn't matter what if, because there would never be another chance to find out. There just simply couldn't be. It was only a moment of silence and close contact that made the both of us feel as though something had to happen between us. It didn't have any further meaning.

"Bryn, food is ready," Niall called.

I snapped out of my daze and stood slowly from the couch, walking around the end of it and into the small kitchen area. The table that was sat in the centre was very small, but it would have to do for only the two of us. I hesitantly took a seat as Niall placed a dish of something unrecognizable in the middle and plopped down opposite of me.

Upon observing my confused expression as I stared at the 'meal', he decided to answer my unspoken question, "It's lasagna."

I only looked up at him and offered a small smile and a short nod. It didn't really appear to be lasagna, but I would take his word for it. Maybe it would taste better than it looked... and smelled.

"Oh, c'mon, babe. Don't look so scared of my cooking." He chuckled and reached his arm over to nudge my shoulder before he took his fork and dished some of the food onto his plate.

I ignored the fact that he called me babe.

"I'm sure it's... fantastic." I purposely took a moment to ponder my word choice just to tease him. I had a feeling it was not going to be fantastic at all and I'm sure he didn't really think so either.

"I wasn't sure what else to make. Our food supply is running low, which means we'll have to make a trip to the grocery store again sometime soon," he informed me, bringing his fork up to his mouth.

I nodded my head in silence, waiting for him to take a bite. I didn't want to scoop my own portion until I knew it wasn't going to kill me. But, he paused mid-air with his fork, raising an eyebrow at me as I watched him.

"Are you not going to eat?"

"Well, I was going to wait until you tried it," I admitted with a sheepish smile. It was fun to bug him, but I also didn't want to make him feel bad for doubting his cooking abilities.

He let out a scoff as he rolled his eyes, something I had quickly deemed to be his signature action. "Please, it's delicious I'm sure." He paused and looked down at the small amount on his fork before glancing into the pan that was sat between us. Then, he dropped his fork with a sigh.

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