Chapter Four

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*Not edited*

Bryn's POV

I got out of the car as quickly as I could and rushed inside the police station. It was noon the next day and I was going in to tell detective O'Connor what happened when I got home yesterday. I was more rushed than I would have been because it happened again this morning, only the men drove away when my dad got home from wherever he was. I supposed that they anticipated for me to be home alone and came and ruined their plan.

Upon seeing me enter, the lady behind the desk smiled brightly, instantly recognizing me from the other night. I returned the kind gesture as I sped over to her, my anxiousness driving me crazy.

"Hi. Can I speak to detective O'Connor, please?" I asked her, waiting patiently as she typed something into the computer before answering.

"Of course, follow me."

I followed her down the same hallway I had walked through the other night, unwanted memories flooding my mind once again. We turned to a different door than we had then and she knocked softly before turning to me.

"He's in his office. Go ahead in." She sent me one last smile before disappearing down the way we had come from.

Taking a deep breath while assuring myself that everything was going to be okay, I turned the handle and went it. He was sat behind his desk writing out a few files, and he immediately focused all of his attention on me when he saw who I was.

"Miss Lassiter, what a surprise," He said. "Please, take a seat." He pointed to the seat in front of his desk, gesturing for me to sit down. Once I had, he continued,"Now, what is it you need?"

"Those men that you're searching for, they- They are watching my house," I told him, panicked.

"How do you know?" He looked shocked and very alarmed. Whether his alarm was for me or himself, I didn't know.

"I got home yesterday evening and two of them were sat in a dark car across the road. I couldn't see much of them , but I know they were watching me and I know it was them. When I got inside I was going to call the police, but when I looked out the window the nightly patrol officers arrived and so the guys took off," I explained.

"What time was this at, do you know?" He asked, grabbing a sticky-notepad to write this down.

"Around six-thirty, maybe a bit before."

"Was that the only time?"

"No. Again this morning. I woke up at about eight and went downstairs. My dad left to go somewhere shortly after and he was only gone for about ten minutes when I saw the same vehicle parked in the exact same place. I know that they were watching my house, it was obvious. I was home alone and I knew they were going to come over any minute, but then my dad came back and they left again." My voice was very shaky, and my knee wouldn't stop bouncing up and down as I spoke. I was nervous.

"Did you manage to get a licensee plate number? Anything?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, I didn't." I shook my head, feeling angry at myself.

"Do you know what kind of car is was?"

"A black SUV. The exact make, I'm not sure," I told him honestly.

"Okay," He sighed. He paused for a long moment, just taking in the sight of me sat in front of him so distraught. He wiped his hands over his eyes and took a breath before he spoke again. "Bryn, I think you realize as well as I do that you are in a serious amount of danger."

Hearing him say that really struck something inside of me. Of course I knew that it was true, but having it come from him made it that much more scary. He was a policeman and he had organized other officers to protect me and keep me safe, but now the game had changed. I wasn't safe with just a patrol car anymore, it was more serious than that now.

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