Chapter 23

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This is the last chapter; epilogue to come! 

Almost time to say goodbye to Avan and Annabell!

What did you think of the lovebirds?

Chapter 23

From Stalker to Saint

Annabell POV

“Get off me! Ugh! No, not that colour! How do you think that’d work with my flowers? Seriously?!” Damn stupid make-up artist obviously has no idea! Where the hell did my mother find this woman? Useless!

Absolutely useless!

I waft her away with the make-up brush covered in emerald green eye shadow; this is MY day and I expect to look the part. I want to be a goddess and cause everybody’s heads to turn, and jaws to drop.

After another 40 minutes of brushes, sponges, tugging and pulling, curling and gripping, I am made over completely. My hair is done to perfection and I look flawless.

Yes I look gorgeous; I’m not vain, I’m honest.

That’s what I was looking for; beauty.

I’m entitled to be the centre of attention for this one day.

Taking a deep shaky breath, I stand; my hands in tight fists to hide the uncontrollable shakes and walk over to the full length mirror, beautifully framed with a white wood affair. Quite fitting for today, don’t you think?

My eyes stare into the reflection, at my appearance; at the woman before me, ready and waiting for the most important day of her life.

Long impeccable curls framing a perfectly made over face; a simple white lace veil hanging down over the back, resting on my shoulders… thanks to my voluptuous curves, I didn’t suit the typical dress styles so opted for a more unique design.

A lace ivory body hugging dress covers my body, capped shoulder sleeves and a mermaid fishtail style bottom provides me with the hourglass figure I dreamt of portraying. A simple set of ivory lace patterned stilettoes to seal the deal.

My parents enter the room, forcing my gaze from the mirror, pushing a smile to my face; no, I am not having second thoughts, but this is scary. This is trusting someone with half of my stuff that they won’t cheat. This is never being with another man again. This means no first dates, or first kisses again. This is frickin scary!

I love Avan so damn much it scares me. I trust him, I do… it’s just scary!

He may change his mind in a few years’ time and decide I’m not for him.

What if he did that?

How would I cope with him divorcing me?

“Stop worrying dear!” Mum sighs, placing her hands on my shoulders, rubbing soothingly, “you’re just having pre-wedding jitters. You are going to be fine! Avan loves you so much.”

I turn around and give her a weak smile, nodding silently.

She chuckles and whispers in my ear, “I don’t think your father loves me as much as Avan loves you. You are going to be a very happy woman. I promise.”

Ok, that makes me feel slightly better. Somehow.

Closing my eyes, I picture my handsome fiancé. I picture us on our honeymoon. Wherever he’s decided to take us. Damn stubborn idiot wouldn’t tell me where we were going, when or what I’d need to pack.

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