Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Confusion, Comfort & Consultations

Avan POV

Last night.. Well, hey, last night was different!

Ricky has been detained by the police after I beat seven shades of shit out of him.

'Self defence' as the police stated.

Good for me!

I would've stayed and watched over that beautiful woman I want in my life, but she was ok; after sobbing to an officer, she fell asleep in her bed.

I tucked her in, kissed her forehead before leaving.

Annabell.. Nannie..

I have to try and do something to make her feel safe and happy again.

A few questions span through my mind all morning while I worked,

Where were her family?

Did they care?

Did Annabell have any friends?

Was it her relationship that has turned that beautiful woman into a recluse?

I will have to bring her back to the present and mend her relationships if that is the case.

Everybody needs companionship; even if Annabell refused me, I couldn't leave her in this state- she needed someone.

God, I'm whipped!

I can't wait to see Annabell this afternoon; our scheduled session.

I plan to be as honest and open with Annabell, whether she recognises me or not.

I will swoop in and be a wonderful friend or lover.. Whatever she needs of me, I will show that I can be it.


Annabell POV

My head hurts, my jaw is sore and bruised; covered in foundation and concealer in hope of disguising the injury.

My eyes are sore and worn from lack of sleep, and I've coated more make up all over my face to gain a breezy, awake, happy look.


I just want to hide away; I have been told Ricky was detained and remanded in custody last night. This has made me feel a lot safer, but I still don't know who this mystery god-like life saver is.

Or why he did what he did.


Stop stressing.

Be the big, respected psychologist that you are.

Grow some balls and deal with the rest of your day!

"Annabell, your 2.45 is here." Zay pops his head round the door to alert me.

I stand, brush out my skirt and nod, "send them in."

I ruffle my long locks into a messy yet tantalising disarray, and take a few calming breaths.

I see a shadow at the door before a well dressed male walks into the room.

A sexy, well dressed male.

I recognise that male!

Where from?

Why am I coming up a-blank?

"Good afternoon Dr Tryst, thank you for seeing me." My client smiles, shaking my head.

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