Chapter 3: The Bloodline

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Ok, I'm not sure what to say to my parents about the whole flaming fiasco, but luckily the school was closed for a little bit thanks to yours truly, now I had time with my parents to talk about the new fire powers I'm experiencing, but before I got the chance to talk to them, I got a phone call, I look at my phone and see it was Alexa calling me, of course I answered it, at times like this I need to check up on her every once in awhile, so I answer the phone, but I was too late, I got a voicemail, it turns out she had a lot of information about her family that I wouldn't believe, but at this point I would believe much of anything

She said that she would be here in 10 minutes , so I said to my mom and dad, that Alexa was coming over, and you wouldn't began to imagine what I have to go through with this, my mom makes a face and gets everything ready, while my dad keeps teasing me about how she's a girl and she's my friend, but more on that later, the doorbell rang and I went to answer the door, I saw Alexa wearing a green dress, light brown boots, some gold rings around her wrist, and on the back of a forest green jacket she wore over the dress, was a symbol of some mountains in a logo form, I got to admit, even though these times are getting tough and weird, she actually looked kinda pretty, now i've always thought of her as a close friend, I think at that time I started to develop some new feelings about her I wasn't sure of, she said " hey Shawn, can I come in?" I quickly snapped out of my funk and said " sure, sure come in" at that time I didn't know what to say about her new wardrobe, so I just said " You look nice today, are those new threads?"

I felt kinda embarrassed by what I just said, I mean, who says "Threads?" she looked at me and said " Oh no, these have been in my family for a long time, that's one of the reasons I'm here" I got my mind straight and started to focus on the topic at hand, so then I asked " Well, what did you find out?" she started to say " Well I found out that my family's past is composed of....." just then my mom walked in and said " Hey there Alexa, how are you doing?" Alexa responded " I'm okay" my mom took a close look and dropped the empty tray she was holding, it scared me half to death,

my dad ran in and asked " What's wrong?" I think they were reacting to the symbol on the back of her green jacket, if I need to go into more detail, it was a symbol of 3 mountains, a sun with sunrays peeking out, I looked like it was make out of golden thread, my mom kinda gave a look, like she was afraid of the symbol, my dad grabbed some kind of black metal handcuffs, I got a bad feeling about this, and jumped in front of my dad, then he said " get of of the way Shawn, you don't understand what will happen if you get to close to her" I glared at him and said " I won't!" then when I didn't know what to do next, one thought came to mind over and over again " Duel of flames, duel of flames" I was out of ideas at this point, so I just yelled out " Duel of flames!" my dad looked at me and said " Where did you learn that phrase!?!" I was shocked, cause 1, that he knew what I meant, and 2, that was a real thing, I took Alexa by the hand and ran out the back door, my dad was right behind us, he started walking towards us, I knew what I had to do, I put my fist out, and the flames came out, I know this was kinda wrong, shooting fire at my dad, he took of his over coat, put his fist together, gave me an angry look, then shot a fireball at me

I grabbed it using all my strength and made it disappear into air, then I glared a him for a short time, he glared at me, I glared back at him and then we got into a battle of flames, there were flares coming left, right and all around, after a while my dad and I got tired and started gasping for air, after a short time my dad took in a deep breath and shot out a big burst of fire, I quickly shot out a burst of flames, as the flames collided we stood there, waiting to see which one of us would flinch first, after 4 mins we couldn't hold the flames anymore, then my dad went for a strike, just when I thought it would hit me and leave a serious burn mark, I heard someone shouting " Stop it!!!" suddenly a wall of earth sprang up in front of me, I turned to see that Alexa was bending the earth around, then see quickly slammed the slab of earth straight at my dad, he got hit hard, when he got up I stood beside Alexa, we stood our ground in front of him, then as we prepared to strike he said " Ok I give up, it's time you learned the truth about your bloodline"

We lowered our guard, my dad walked us in the house, sat us down, and took to his chair, he looked me in the face and said " Shawn, your mother and I are actually from the kingdom of flames, a castle hidden away from the eyes of the normal people" I looked at Alexa, then back at my dad, and this was only the beginning of a wild story about to unfold.

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