Chapter 11: It's Division Time

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I woke up and was looking around to make sure that the house was not just a dream, it wasn't different from a normal house their was a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms, and a living room, the only difference was there was a small ranch outside with some farm animals you would normally see around the area, I took a quick shower to get rid of the smell I had been carrying around for at least 3-4 days, then I went to the kitchen to see what I had to eat, not realizing that I didn't have any food in the entire house or any money to by food with, I guess they forgot to send the welcome package before they gave me the place, I went outside to check to see if I had any mail, there was one letter asking for my age occupation, and my health condition.

I went inside to fill it out, it was about an hour out of my day, I was about to go send it back to the mailbox so it could go back to whoever sent it, I went out to the market district to see if I could find anything for breakfast, but no luck, I went back to my place to just take it easy, I sat their on the couch watching TV, the best thing about living here was it was like a combination of modern life and olden life, of course this was cool for me, for everyone else it was pretty much a standard lifestyle for them.

I heard a knock on the door, I opened the door to see Rose standing outside with lot of groceries, she didn't wear hear battle gear, she wore a red tank top and a black skirt, there was a dark red ribbon tied around her waist, with some flat black shoes, had a fire kingdom bracelet around her right wrist, and wore some black leather fingerless gloves, she looked at me and said "So are you going to lend a hand with these groceries or not?" I snapped out of it and said "Oh, yeah sure" I took a few of the groceries and we put them in the kitchen, she helped me put them away and I finally got something to eat.

I sat on the couch and see sat next to me, I was kinda confused about why see was here, what see wanted, and what was I feeling right now, of course it could just be because I scarfed down the food like I haven't eaten it two day, which I didn't, she looked at me and said "So how are you liking your stay here?" I turned and said "It's really nice and peaceful here, kinda not used to it" she started to laugh and I quickly joined in "So why are you here?" I asked her, she took a deep breath and said "Oh, well headquarters forgot to stock up on food, so they got you some food for you and I delivered them to you" it was nice that the HQ gave me some food " Cool" I said "Yeah" she replied.

She took another breath and said "Now onto serious business, HQ wants you to pick what division you'll be apart of" I was kinda puzzled, then I remembered her talking about them briefly yesterday, she continued " The first one are the Trailblazers, they help us discover new paths, caves, and landforms around the area" she took a small breather and I got her some water, she thanked me and continued on with the Miners, who gather minerals from the caves,Inferno Squad, who deal with any hostel wildlife, Weaponers, and help develop and sometimes test prototype weapons, Scavengers, who try to find any equipment or weapons left behind and bring them back to the village, and finally the Peacekeepers, they deal with any problems in the town from lost animals to any criminals who run around.

it was a short break before she spoke again, when she turned back to look at me again she said "Well that's the rundown, so what will it be?" I thought for a second, then said "What division are you in?" she looked surprise by my question, I was probably just my imagination from the headache I got from the explanation of the division, she looked at me with a faint smile and said "I'm in a mixture of the Inferno Squad and the Trailblazers" I thought that was pretty cool and said "Cool, you think I can join you in that special squad?" she gave a big smile and said "Sure, I can pull a few strings" I replied "Then I think I'll do that" see smiled at me again and laughed a little and said "Then I'll make sure to tell them that when I'm off from my break" I was kinda confused, not that I didn't understand what she said, but that she got some time off.

So after that she said "So what do you want to do?" I was kinda shocked by what she said, only because a girl actually wanted to hang out with me, I wasn't used to it because I wasn't that popular in school till after that winter social that I threw, I said "Maybe just hang out here for today, and tomorrow we can walk around the town, how does that sound?" she gave me a big smile and said "I'd like that very much" so the rest of the day we road around the ranch outside my new place, then ate lunch, watched some movies, and at some point I woke up with her both her arms holding my right arm and her head on my shoulder, I fell back to sleep and when I woke up, she wasn't there I was kinda disoriented and stood up from the couch, I turned I didn't see her anywhere till I felt a soft smack on my head and fell back on the couch, she was standing there laughing at me after she hit me in the face with a pillow.

I grabbed one and was trying to get some payback, we kept on whacking each other for a while, after that and the energy was almost gone, we ate dinner and continued to watch TV for about 2 hours, she got up and headed for the door, we said our goodbyes, a small hug, and she started to walk out the door, I was about to turn to go the bathroom to shower off, i got a few steps away from the door before I felt a small kiss on the check, she give a small smile and walked out the door and shutting it, i looked the door and went to shower off, I was smiling a bit from the kiss I got and went to bed excited for the next day, i felt like things were going to be crazy tomorrow, but it would not be the kind of crazy I was expecting.

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