Chapter 4: My Dance Set a Blaze

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Now starting from where I left off, its was a long talk, so I'll keep it short my dad told me all about the place I was originally born in a village of fire, yeah all this time I thought I was born in Texas, nope, any way he gave me a long talk about it, how more abilities would show up over the course of time, and that Alexa comes from a village in the Earth kingdom territory, after that everything kinda returned to normal, except one thing, I suggested back when things were normal, to host the school dance this coming weekend.

There was no backing out of it now, I had to go through with it, this was the second biggest dance of the year, next to the end of school year social, this was the Big Winter Ball, it's the dance that happens the night winter break kicks off, so you can see how important this is for my social reputation, if I pulled this off I would be very popular around the school, so you can see how important this is to me, of course I got people helping me, and by that I mean I have Alexa, yeah believe it or not, not many people want to volunteer to help set up a school dance.

So the day I got back to school from my strange weekend, Alexa and I got straight to working on the dance decorations, set up, table placement, DJ, ect., not as easy as you think, it takes a while to set this stuff up, so I turn to Alexa and ask " So, how are we going to pay for all the stuff?" she looked at me, thought of it for about 10-12 mins, and said " Well, we got to find people who will sponsor us if we want to set everything up in time" great now I need to add that to my to do list.

So things just got even more complicated, believe it or not, now I'm not complaining, oh wait, yes I am!, so after a while I calm down, takes some deep breathes, and start calling up stores, so far all I got was Walmart, Best Buy, and Target, Walmart will paid for food, Best Buy for the DJ, and Target for the decorations, that only left the tables, lights, and the photo both, so I'm running out of stores to help us, and the dance is in 3 days, I'm hoping that my dad's company can pay for the rest of the stuff, I forgot to mention that my dad's company clears like 55 million a year, so I'm now trying to think of how to convince him, I have a feeling that after the fire fight, he might not be all that exited to pay for a dance I'm setting up.

After my free period was done I went to my classes, math, English, and history, now it's a short day, Thursdays always are, so after school let out I turned to Alexa and said " See ya tomorrow Alexa, I'll text you to tell if my dad will cover the rest of the dance preparations" she nodded, ran down to catch the bus, and then was out of sight, I started to walk slowly home, half way there I turned the corner to take the shortcut, it was a narrow passageway, kind of dark, and no one usually walked down this way, except me, just to get home 8 mins faster, when I got halfway there I felt a chill down my back, I didn't see anything behind me so I just kept walking, when I was 4 or 5 feet away from the turn, a barrier spring up at the exit, I went to turn around when I noticed that the other exit was sealed off as well, it got just a bit brighter when I felt a sudden chilly wind, a mini tornado of ice cold wind appeared, and then shoot a blast of ice at me.

I ran up the wall to avoid the attack, when I got back on the ground, I throw my backpack to the side, got ready, and waited for its next attack, it shot more ice blast, but if I know physics my fire would beat the creatures ice blast, so I shot about 5 fire shoots, make the ice blast disperse into a mist form, I did this about 23 times before I couldn't see a thing in front of my face, I grab my backpack, and focused my flames at the barrier, it quickly disappeared after a short while, I turned to see the beast turn into a small tornado, I decided to make a run for it, I ran as fast as I could, it trailed behind me, I saw my house door open, so I dashed in the door and quickly slammed it shut, my dad got up and said " What's the matter with you?" I told him everything, and that a shadow beast was trailing me, a gave a glance, not just any glance, the one that told me to follow him.

I ran outside with my dad ahead of me, we got out to the back yard, when the creature made itself visible again, my dad got ready, then I got ready, and suddenly the beast charged at us, the next 17 mins are a blur to me, my dad told me that we were able to destroy the creature, I just took his word for it cause my memory was shoot as I is, so I tell my dad if he could help with the dance, and he agreed with no problem or questions, I just said thank you and moved on with the dance, the time between the beast attack and the dance, nothing really happened, so now it's the night of the winter dance, everything was going good everyone was having a good time, everything was normal, and the food was ok, not the best, but I would take what I could get, I'm just happy that everything was going so smooth and no beast attacks.

I went to see Alexa over by the DJ making sure nothing was going wrong with the sound bored, she was wearing a forest green dress with gold earrings, high heels, and the golden bracelets she wore ever since the true got set free, she turned to me and said " Hey Shawn, how is the food?" I quickly snapped out of the spaced out look and said " Its ok, could be better, but I'll take what we got" she said good, then we stood there for a awkward moment that I think lasted for 5 mins tops, after the moment was over she turned to me and said " Hey Shawn, would you like to dan......" before she could finish her sentence, there was a big explosion, and like 5 shadow beast came out from the hole in the ground, everyone scattered and me and Alexa started to fight them when everyone was out of the gym, as we were fighting I said to Alexa throw all the screeching, fire, and rocks being flown " The one night I don't need these things to pop out" she agreed with me and just out of curiosity I asked " So, what were you going to ask me?" then she said "Really, now is not the time for that" I just started to shoot fire around everywhere and kept that question in the back of my mind for now.

After the dust cleared, we saw the gym was totally trashed, I turned to Alexa and said " Well, this won't look good at school tomorrow " she turned to me and said " Don't worry no one will remember the attack, it's some kind of weird mind trick " I just agreed and walked Alexa home, we said goodbye, and I went home to sleep this night off, cause tomorrow, I get some answers about all these attacks.

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