Chapter 10: Into The Village

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After the guard showed his identification, the person at the gate said "You my enter" I heard footsteps walk a short distance to the left and then what I thought was the sound of a hand crank, the gate slowly started to open up, we entered and I was amazed at what I saw, it was a simple town, but kinda resembled a little of what home looked like, there wasn't many things that ran on electricity, but I guess when you have fire powers you can get by just as fine, the houses were normal size, there were lots different things that I didn't understand, I followed the men back to the main base inside the town, we walked a short distance, then we arrived at a big base with what had looked like it was made of a mixture of steel and concrete, we were then greeted by a man, he had a big scar right across his arm that seemed to wrap around his wrist all the way past his sleeve, his armor had metal covering the front and back of him, the actual uniform part was a dark red color, he was kind of tall, and his hair was a deep black.

His voice was deep as he said "Welcome home men, report" they looked at each other for a bit trying to think of how to explain everything that had transpired when they were out in the field, they started to explain what had happened, the shadow best, the trip through the valley, and how the captain had fallen in battle, he pondered on this for a moment, probably trying to understand what they said, then he said "Ok, but one question still stands" he paused "Who is that boy standing their with our prototype sword?" I stepped up and introduced myself, I explained what had happened the months before, the gain of my powers, the beast attack, and how and why I had traveled to get here.

it took a moment for it all to sink in, I even needed a little time for it to believe myself, he then said "So you are here to learn not only about the history, but also about these shadow beast" I responded "Yes sir" and then started a short period of awkward silence, then he said "Men, I will need you to come with me to drop off the supplies you salvaged" then one of the men asked "But what about the boy?" he turned and said "I will send for a escort around the town for him and directions to the spare house I haven't touched in four years, he will be well taken care of" the men and I gave a small cheer, they followed the commander after we said our goodbye's.

I waited there for a good 14 mins before I heard a voice yell out my name "SHAWN RUNE" I stood up and was surprised by who was yelling my name like a maniac, it was a girl I think was my age or so, about my hight, long red hair, and wearing what looked like the same body armor as the captain had before he got all ripped up, I walked up to her and said "That would be me" she looked at me and said "Oh, hello there, people like to call me Torch, but my real name is Rose" then I introduced myself, it was a little weird seeing someone my age wearing battle ready armor, but heck, I was in no position to judge after what had happened to me over the last couple of months.

we walked out of the base and started to walk around the town, she showed my the town square first "This is the town square, it's not the busiest part of town, but a close 3rd" it looked kinda like a how a normal town square would look, but with a bit mixed with stuff you would see in medieval times, it was a fun little place, people moving about on the streets, wagons passing by, and just a simple life from the look of things, I said "I can't believe how peaceful it is here" she turned and said "Yeah, all thanks to the divisions keeping things from getting chaotic" I looked at her and asked "What are divisions?" she looked at me with a smile and started to explain "Even though the king rules the kingdom he can't do everything, so new recruits are asked to join one of many divisions to help out around the place" I looked a huge castle out in the distance, Rose tapped me in the shoulder "That's the castle where the king stays, no one has seen or heard from the king in some time and no one but the Dragon Knights are allowed to see him" I just stood there pondering about what could've happened that would make the king seal himself up in his cattle, Rose and I walked around the rest of the town and then she showed me where I would stay while in town, we said good night and I got into the bed, the next day was going to be a huge adjustment.

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