Chapter 5: My Greatest Journey Unfolds

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That same night, you know, the one when the dance got wrecked by 5 different monsters, yea that one, I was kind of scared to go to school and have to explain why and how monsters attacked our school dance and why I didn't give anyone a warning like " Hey how's the dance going, good?, great, by the way watch out if any shadow monsters come crashing in, have fun" yea, they would think I'm a crazy person, so I got dressed, ate a quick breakfast, and left for school, I stopped by Alexa's house to see how she was feeling after last night, a few moments later she walked out the door, and once again I was trying not to say something so stupid it would make me look crazier than I already think I am.

When I woke up the next morning I remembered what Alexa said last night, that no one will remember the monster attack that happened, so with that at the back of my mind, I got dressed, got some breakfast and shoved it down like I was in hurry, and ran out to see the back of the school, where the gym was, expecting the giant hole that we left last night, but when I got around to the back of the school, the hole wasn't there, it's like it packed itself last night, I was relieved that it wasn't there, so that was a bullet dodge.

So with my worries melting away, I went to my math class, when I turned the hall I ran into Brianna Ward, now don't get me wrong, she's not mean or anything like that, but her boyfriend Nathan, is like the captain of the football team, last time he found out that some guy was event talking to her, he talked them head first, no ands, ifs, or buts, but Brianna is super nice, she's the head cheerleader, helps out the homeless every weekend on Saturdays, and like a tons of other stuff, I mean seriously she has like a ton of free time to spend on, well, everything, there's a lot of rumors going around that if she catches him messing with anyone else, it's pretty much done and over with, so she helps me up from the ground, and then I start a short conversation " Thanks for helping me, gotta go though, see ya later" but as soon as I'm about to run for the classroom, she grabs my wrist, I'm standing there now not sure how to respond to what is happening, then she looks at me and says " I don't know where you're going, but I'm sure you heard" I look at her with a puzzled look and replied " umm, I'm going to math class for my first period"

She let go of my wrist and said " Well our new math teacher checked out your grades and said that you could use some help, so she picked me to help tutor you so your grades won't suffer any more than they are now" I started to sweat, I mean Brianna, the nicest girl in school, is helping me with math, so I just act cool and say " Ok let's go" so we walked to the independent study area, the place where people go to, well study, and started on math, about 5 mins in I felt a cold chill down my spine, like the time that ice beast attacked me back in the alleyway, and I started to worry, I turned to Brianna and said " Ok Brianna I think that's good for today" she looked at me and said " No way it's only been 5 mins, and class doesn't end for another 55 mins, nice try, but back to work" I was kind of in that mood when you say "Really come on already" but I had to admire her determination to teach me math.

So now the room is starting to get colder, I look outside and see a leaf suspended in mid-air, I knew what that meant, a shadow beast was near, I grabbed her wrist and drug her along out the door, she said to me as we were running " What are you doing?" I turned back and said "Trust me just don't look back" we ran out of the school on the other side, just as Brianna was about to say something, a loud crash came from the wall, the beast roared loud and shook the ground, Briana turned to me, got behind me and asked " What is that thing" I looked at her and said " I'll tell you later, for now just stand back" she nodded and stood clear of the battle field, the beast roared again, but a different affect happened, it started to rain.

I was confused at first, but I didn't have time to worry about that now, I had to protect Brianna, I threw a fire ball at it, but when it got close to the monster's face, it fizzled out, I was shocked, the monster burst forward and began to charge, I couldn't do anything, my fire kept fizzling out as some as it left my fist, the beast talked me, and pinned me down to the wet ground under me, it opened its jaw, and I could see a huge water blast, I thought I was doomed, but something hit the beast in the center of its head, the object plopped down next to my head, at first I thought that Alexa was here to help me, but as the beast went toward the person, I saw it was Brianna.

the monster ran toward her, I yelled out " BRIANNA GET OUT OF HERE!!!" but it was too late, the beast grabbed her wrist and lifted her up into the air, I ran to the monster and yelled " Let her go!" as she struggled to get loose there was a bright blue light that blinded me and the monster and me, I remembered my dad saying something about this once.

He said " The first time a person finds their elemental power, a light will shine from them, depending on the color of the light, depends on what nation there from" as I stared at the bright blue light I immediately knew, she was a waterbender, my parents said it's been a long time since they saw a waterbender around here, I just didn't know how she was going to react when I tell her the whole thing, but there was no time for that now, after the light faded, a cyclone of water started to swirl around them, the monster let go and was flung into the air, Brianna made the rain stop, I'm not sure she knows what she's doing, but I'll take it at this point, as soon as the monster got up, I made a giant ball of fire and threw it at the monster, it disintegrated into nothing and became vapor in the air.

I ran over to Brianna thinking of a way to explain what just happened today, so after a few mins, I told her everything, at first she was kind of scared, then she was calm, I was kind of surprised by that because even I didn't accept it that easily, so we agreed not to tell anyone this ever happened, and to meet up at my house for a plan of action.

The next day we met up at my house, my parents agreed it was important for us to go to the fire kingdom and investigate what was happening, so we got suited up, packed the essentials, and left to the woods to start the long journey to the Fire Kingdom, my dad taught me the night before how to use my fire powers to make a portal to the point where the four kingdoms met, from there we would have to walk, but it didn't matter, we were determined to get to the bottom of these strange attacks, what happened next was a big eye-opener, you won't believe what happens to us next.

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