If vainglory meets the real world

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A/N: Hi guys~ thanks for the feedback and I'll try my best to update when ever I think os something I could type down. Also, you may comment suggestions so I can update faster ^_^ enjoy~

- before they were all teleported -

Storm Guard Queen: Catherine, you have betrayed me countless of times.
Catherine: ( Actually I didn't do poop... I swear!)
Storm Guard Queen: For punishment, I'll teleport you and other people to a weird dimension.
Catherine: I'M INNOCENT!!!
Storm Guard Queen: THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY!!!
Catherine: BUT--

- Catherine and other heroes gets teleported to our world-

Catherine: ( besides me, who else got teleported here?)
Ardan: YOU!!!
Catherine: ( OH GHAD WHY!?!? I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS! ) * uses her first skill on Ardan then runs away*
Ardan: SOON I WILL-- wait, where is Celeste and Vox?

- the apple store in a mall -
Celeste: d-dafuq is this? *holding an IPad*
An employee: Umm... That's a device called an IPad. Haven't you heard of it at least once?
Celeste: I have no idea what you are talking about--
Person who plays Vainglory: OMERGERSH!!! IT'S A CELESTE COSPLAYER!!!
Celeste: DAFUQ IS COSPLAY?! I'M OUT!!! * runs away*
Person who plays Vainglory: I think that was a noob. GHAD!!!

- meanwhile Vox...-

Vox: *is a motherpacking DJ of a night club shuffling good songs*
Crowd: WOOOOO!!!!!
The real DJ: I quit my Job.
Vox: *drops the base*
Person who also plays Vainglory: * high on weed* Kewl... I can see Vox as the DJ~ Oh! There's two of him.. Nice~
Adagio: *passes by running away from a group of fangirls* STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU HUMANS!!!
Fangirls: HE SO HAWT!!! *chases him*
Person who also plays Vainglory: Kewl....
Ringo: *getting them alcohol and drinking that shiz hardcore*
Person who also plays vainglory: Kewl...
Ringo: *burps and accidentally burns down the whole club*
Person who also plays vainglory: Kewl...
Adagio: Great, I think you killed those weird females. Let's run before somebody catches us! *runs away with Vox and Ringo*
Police officer: Sir ( Person who also plays vainglory ), what happened?
Person who also plays vainglory: I wus high on dem weed and den I saw dem vainglory peeps.
Police officer: *arrests him for being high*

- in another area -

News reporter: We have breaking news of a mutated wolf having a rampage on the west side of the city. The SWAT team is currently handling the situation at hand. We are here as of now to ask the people who survived the scene.  *goes to Taka and Koshka* Hello there ( they must of came from a con ) , I have a few questions to ask--
Koshka: OO~ A question game?! I wanna play! Okay I have a question for you too--
News reporter: Um... Miss, this is an--
Koshka: Okay Okay! Is that guy attached to that weird thing okay ( camera man)? Is he stuck? Can I destroy that thing and free that man from pain so we can be very best best best best best buddies in the future? Wouldn't that be nice? Okay, your turn Taka~
Taka: what?
News reporter: Is she Mentally challenged?
Taka: I'm just * uses his second skill and runs away*
Koshka: Huh? Don't leave me!!! *leaves and tries to look for Taka*
News reporter: Okay?... We'll just ask this other person then. * goes to Catherine * hi there miss, may we ask you some questions--
Catherine: I have no time to spend with you and your silly games. Games are for children. I need to quickly gather people before we disturb the balance of this world. Anyway, have you seen a mutated wolf thing?
News reporter: (kids these days..) Is that your dog? The SWAT team is handling him-- * hears the howl of Fortress ( ult bruh )* ... And failing. 
Catherine: ( This can't possibly get worst--)
Ardan: FOUND YOU!!! *uses ult and they are trapped and he starts fighting Catherine*
Catherine: *before that, she uses her bubble and fights back*
News reporter: We need to get out of here! *escapes the fight with the camera man but injured in the process*
Rona: *pops up out of nowhere in raged because she tried to play flappy bird ( so old right? ) and accidentally murders  the News reporter, the camera man, and other innocent ppl using her ult*
SWAT team: *walking so dramatically with the aura  of epicness to  save the day with that explosion of a car in the background looking sexy af ( sorry that I placed that there but why not?)*
Fortress: *rekts them*

- meanwhile in the other dimension -
Storm Guard Queen: Ahahahaha! This is hilarious! I should do this more often right Kraken?
Kraked: GROOOOAAAAAA!!!!! ( yes )

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