If Vainglory has a shipping story part 2

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A/N: Hello guys~ So far so good. Keep suggesting :) Btw, I'll be connecting all the stories/ poop I make (except the vainglory x reader) to the chapters so if you didn't read them, you wont get it. Anyways... Enjoy.

( ^ω^ )

-Koshka's P.OV.-

"Nyaaaaa!" I yawned as I woke up.
The party last night was fun I guess. I hung out with a really great person ( Vox ). Anyways, I have my errands to run today so I better get to it. I got my self ready then left the house but then I heard someone following me. I turned around to check who it was but no one is there. I guess it's just my imagination.

-Third person POV-

Koshka continues walking not noticing the guy under a box. She keeps checking her back or even behind places to make sure no one is following her. She fails finding that guy and the guy continues to stalk her. She soon gets irritated slashing her claws randomly behind her in mid-air and accidentally hitting-( nigga, you already know who the hell is under the box ).

-Taka's POV-


I got hit by Koshka's paws and then she noticed me... OH GHAD SENPAI NOTICED ME!

"Taka?! I'm so sorry! Why are you-"
" Wow this is a huge coincidence! I wasn't stalking someone or anything! I just uh... I was going to run my errands!"
"Oh that's good I guess? Wanna join me then?"

Koshka and I went to the market to run our errands. I didn't buy anything but I just followed Koshka around. Koshka suddenly stops in front of a shop staring at something with her puppy eyes. I just stare at her looking so cute.

"Taka! Look at the adorable panda plush! It's soooooo cute~" she says enthusiastically.
"Yah... Adorable" I said still staring at her.

She noticed that I was referring to her. Ghad I'm such an idiot! At least she can't see me blush. Thank Kraken I have a mask. I screamed in mu mind trying not to make the rest of my face a tomato.

"Aw~ Thanks for saying I'm cute~"
"Yeah... No prob" and I'm still a tomato.

Stupid stupid stupid stupid! I can't let my feelings take over now! She has a boyfriend.

"Oh yah! You were also gonna run some errands. Should I go with you?"
" Actually this is my errand."

I speak to the person who owns the shop with the panda then bought the panda plush for Koshka. Great! My feelings did take over.

"Here." I give the panda to Koshka.
"Aw~ Thank you Taka~" then she hugs me with the plush.

Kill me.

"Anyways. Are you going to run your real errands now?"

Shoot she found me out! Abort mission! Abort mission!

" Tell me the truth Taka! I know you better than anyone."

I took a deep breath and spoke up, " I just- uh.... *sigh* I Li- I just wanted to hang out with you! It's not a big deal or anything!".

Holy Kraken I almost said it.

"Aw~ that's so sweet of you Taka~"
" No prob. Sorry but can you let go of me now? I need air."
"Oh sorry!"

-Koshka's POV-

I freed Taka from my embrace- Wait, why do I feel like I'm heating up? Is my face red? Maybe I'm just embarrassed. At least I like the panda~ Pandas are cool. Nothing else to do, me and Taka walk around and talk about what we missed with each other.

"Wha?! Your boyfriend cheated on you for Celeste?!" Taka reacts as if he discovered I deal minion candy, which I never did... I think.
"Yah but I'm over it. Celeste is a good friend anyway, but I feel bad for accidentally throwing 'something' out of nowhere at her, which made Catherine go ' I am teh police and I shall bring righteousness to evil under the name of the Storm Guard Queen herself! Speaking of Celeste, I met her brother on the same night."
" She has a bro?" He asks as if he wanted to know of I like him or whatever ( wow so specific).
" Yup! He's a really cool dj and a kind person."
"Oh.. Okay..." With jealousy in his eyes- wait is he jelly? Jelly I'm hanging out with a cooler friend than him?

-Taka's POV-

Great I feel jelly that Koshka talks about a guy in that way. Does she like- nah nah nah! I ain't letting my brain mess me up. Ugh! I need to rip these feelings out of me from existence. Nope! Not going to over think this! I ain't going to over think this!

"Taka, you okay? If you're jealous, you're still my best guy friend forever! You're better than Celeste's brother tbh."
" I'm fine now. Thanks for saying that." Feeling the weight flying off my shoulders.

She's too kind. Great, I'm red again aren't I? I should prolly leave now before I get caught.

"Sorry but I have to leave now. My boi Adagio might get angry."
"Okay sure~"

I say my goodbyes and left. I felt like I dropped something but maybe it's not really important.

-Koshka's POV-

Taka left and he accidentally dropped his notebook. I picked it up and I was about to give it to Taka but he's gone. I got curious about this notebook since I never knew he owned one and I opened it. The first thing I see is a sketch of me swimming I guess maybe (photo above)? It was actually a really good sketch. I turn to the next page and saw rants. I read them and it's about his feelings for someone I guess? He has a crush on someone and he never told me (−_−#). I turned to the next page to see the continuation of the rant and in conclusion, the rant is about his feelings for... Me?! Wowowowowow! My best guy friend likes me?! I feel my face heating up. I don't know if I like him back though but my face is red. I also kinda like Vox though, but I just met him for one day... I need my mind to be clear. I should return this to Taka's house before he gets worried that I discovered about the contents about his notebook.

-Taka's POV-

I arrived home and went in my room. By the time I jumped to my bed, I noticed the thing I dropped was my notebook! Oh Kraken I hope she didn't read it or anything! I heard the doorbell rang then Adagio answered it.

"Yo bro! Someone is looking for you."

I have to be a good person and answer it.

I went to the door and saw Koshka there. She is holding my notebook. Did she read it? For the love of everything that is holy pleas say no!

"Hi Taka~ you dropped your notebook."
" D-did you read it?"
"Good" and my subconscious said, I wish she did. GEEZ BRAIN STOP!
"I'll go ahead and leave now so see yah."

She heads for the exit but before that she waves at me and I wave back at her. I close the door and saw Adagio looking at me with a smirk.

"Bro stop." I whine.
"You cant stop my Tashka ship bro."

What If Vainglory (fan fiction )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ