for dancing and the dreaming

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Martin and Mitch's arms were loped together and they danced around the bright garden, yellow fairy lights hung from the dark trees the radiated a light glowing shade of gold that Martin hung for his birthday that was the other day, Mitch laughed as Martin twisted him in quick circles, suddenly stopped paralized and held the slightly swaying Canadian in a warm embrace as slow music rang through the enchanted garden. Mitch blushed as Martin grabbed his thigh with one hand and lifted his hand above thier heads untangled in eachother with the other, slowly moving side to side his red and white face pulled towards the ground as he saw Martin examining his bodily details and felt him rubbing his side with his hand smoothly.

Suddenly there was a spectrum ravel of music and so did Mitch, his body unravels from Martin's grip, both their hand holding on to eachother high in the air, slowly Martin pulled him closer striking his jawline while they got closer and only inches from the Balgarian's kissable lips as Martin pushed him down, Martin grabbed his leg, wrapped around his waist and everything disappeared and they were alone in the warm darkness. The lustful Balgarian pushed his adamun softly grinded against his Mitch could see the smirk and arched brown on Martin's perfect face, he knew Martin could feel the bolgd in his navy jeans, Martin spinned him in multiple spectums and pulled him closer once more but this time there lips met, the minute thier lips touched an explosive pleasure of sparks flew through their closed lustful eyes like flares and balls of fire, they moved their lips insyncly Martin cupping his face with his hands clutching his cheeks firmly and he hung his arms on the trolling man's neck running his hands through the back of his dark spruce spikey. Martin bit his swollen lower lip asking for an entrance and parted his lips and Martin's going slipped into his mouth the strong taste of acahole and bittersweetness as he adventured his mouth freely.

The two departed breathing fast deep breaths still holding on to eachother the Spanish music calming and fading into slow Methodic sweet music, Mitch layed his head on Martin's soft breathing chest, who held his side softly with one hand and stroked his flared amber hair smoothly, his arms folded firmly in his chest and clung tight to Martin's moving with the Balgarian's slow motions.

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