beauty and pain of birth

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~•Ok doods, remember on chapter positive love when I explained about the Baba's thing, I want you to forget the last part and that doctor scientist people give a potion thing, I'm not getting into details it just turns a D into a V. So BIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAA•~

Mitch groaned loudly as he felt a long sharp pain in his stomach, he rubbed his stomach with smooth easing strokes.
"What's wrong baby?" Mitch whispered to the baby hoping he would reply with the sensation of the sharp pain to stop, but it just got that bad were he was shuving a pillow in his face to muffle the quiet screams, his eyes widen as he felt a warm liquid between his legs and it wasn't piss, Mitch stood up holding his stomach firmly and screamed as he jogged to Adam's room, Adam was walking to wards him a panicked excspretion on his face and he practically callapesed into his arms.

"Mitch what's wrong?"

"A-Adam the b-babys coming!" He yelled panting heavy yells,he heared Adam gasped and pick him up bridal style running to the car and planted him in the back car seat then began to drive, Adam drove dangerously fast with one arm and the other holding the screaming Canadians hand, Adam grabbed Mitch out the car and ran into the hospital yelling for help and two nurses who he recenised came running to his aid taking him to a labour room, he went to leave when Mitch grabbed his hand with unbelievable force still screaming.

"No, A-Adam stay h-ere" Mitch choked, Adam stood beside the Canadian holding his hand firmly and squeezed it everytime he screamed, Dr Lloyd, the pro guy brother as he called them, kept on telling Mitch to breath in when he pushed and out when he screamed, Dr Williams, Mitchs nurse, a she smiled and looked over Dr Lloyd's shoulder.

"I see the head, your nearly there suger" She announced looking up at painfilled Mitch, her western accent thick.

"AHHHHAHAGHGG, A-A-ADAM IT HU-RTS!!!" Mitch screamed in pure angony, squeezing his hand until it went white.

"Pl-please, Adam I'm-I'm scared" Mitch's voice was shaken and quiet, Adam ssshhed him and rubbed put his other hand on top of Mitch's rubbing it with his thumb, Adam was scared of what to do, Mitch screamed one last time when the sounds of freedom rawed through the room from the new born baby. Dr Williams cut the thick ambilical cord, cleaned the baby from all the blood and fluid that coated the chubby baby and wrapped the crying red baby in a silk blue blanket then the nurse handed the baby to him, he hesitantly took the baby into his arms.

"Right so tomorrow at about 9:30 We'll just come and take him to get checked by a doctor in case of any blood diseases, but don't worry about your son seems health" Dr Lloyd said and walked out the room, Adam didn't even bothet to correct her since he liked the fact of being a father but this was Martin's baby and he was sure Martin wouldn't give him up. Adam looked over to Mitch sleeping soundly curled up in a small ball like a child, he craiddled the little baby boy in his arms and he realised something, the moment he left the nurses arms and tell into his the crying had ceased and smiled at him with big dark chocolate eyes filled with wonder and giggled lightly as Adam pulled a silly face at him, Adam had started telling the small person funny child-like stories of his or made up peoples lives, he finished his fourth funny story and stared at the baby his face was just like Mitch's wich is remarkable for a baby, thin cheek bones the lined his jawline but his body said something else, chubby and plump like a fat puppy. Adam leaned in and kissed him on the head and tried to lifted his head when he noticed the little tike had grabbed his thick long wavy fringe and played with it for a good two minutes before falling asleep, Adam smiled and he looked back to Mitch to see the Canadian sitting up looking over at them his legs crossed and his arms in his lap.

"You'll make a great uncle, Adam" Mitch stated, leaning over and tucked the stands of hair behind his ear, Adam looked back down at the slumbering baby with a warm soft smile on his face.

"Yer, I guess" Adam said shrugging, he felt Mitch put his hand on his shoulder giving him a sweet reasureing look.

"Adam in serious you will, and thank you for staying with me, I really appreciate it" Mitch thanked and gave Adam a long kiss on his forehead, when Mitch departed he saw the Canadian's red face.

"Mitch, what did you and Martin call this little one?" He asked his voice soft and calm.

"Charlie" Mitch replied, leaning on his shoulder staring down at his son, oh how much Adam wished it was also his son, he had always wanted to be a dad.

"Hey shouldn't we call Martin?" He asked looking at Mitch, the Canadian shook his head and put his head on Adam's shoulder stroking the head of his baby.

"No, We'll call him tomorrow, I'm very tired"

Adam agreed and put his head on Mitch's soft puffy hair still craiddling Charlie as he fell into a warm deep sleep.

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