Commentary - Words are bullets

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Words are bullets.

It's that plain and simple.

Yes, actions "speak" louder than words, but words have done so much in our lives. Words have dictated policy, motivated, broken countries.

Words have brought men to their knees, and bring up some of the finest people on the planet.

Words have dictated, guided, mentored, and set legacies and references. Things that people still cling to, look, read.

They inspire a generation.

But above all, words make an impact. A permanent impact.

Just like a bullet, you can't take bullets back.

The bullet will always continue down the flight path until it impacts something or someone. Like bullets, words will leave impressions that can make or break you.

We have to understand, and realize, that power.

People willy nilly these days throw words, put all these ideas out there with no conscientious thought. There's so much of this snap talking, this instantaneous talking, without really a methodical backing to it.

Be smart about your words, because you can't take them back.

Too few words, with minimum effect, you might as well say nothing. Too many words, and you'll be rambling on.

Effective, concise speaking.

This is the core from what I've learned in leadership development. Stop pouring crap out of your mouth, produce substance, make these words meaningful and defining.

Words are bullets.

Choose them wisely, deliberately. Make an impact, and deliver yourself through them and define yourself. 

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