Part 10

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(I'm finding it easier to write in Danny's POV that's why Danny's are more involved in some chapters)

Danny's POV

I wake up in my hotel bed, I look to one side, to look at the time it's 4:00 am. Did I get pissed last night? It smells like I did but I can't remember. Today I kick start my flirting with Jessie, every movement when I'm around her will be flirtatious. My first job today is to buy her some flowers, and place them outside her bedroom door, before getting showered and looking as best as I possible can, without looking like I've tried hard. I go to a flower shop down the road and pick out a bouquet of pink roses. I write the card out myself it reads:

To: Jessie

Message: just because you're you


Once I get back to the hotel, I leave them outside her door before going to get ready for the day ahead.

*4 hours later*

Okay so don't judge but I fell back asleep, but come one, I was up all night planning how to impress the girl I love. I arrive at the studios and the first person I bump into is Jessie, she's walking with her back to me, so I walk faster to catch up with her, before I wrap my arms around her from behind.

"Hey Jess"

I nuzzle my head into her hair, gently kissing her head without her noticing.

"Hey Dan"

She spins in my arms and I give her a proper hug. I gently move my lips to her cheek and give her a soft kiss.

"Hey Jess I was wondering if I could take you out tonight?"

"Ummm, can we not today, I'm not really feeling the best sorry Dan "

"Yeah sure and you do look paler then usual"

I place the back of my hand on her forehead to check her temperature, it feels fine but its slightly warmer then usual.

"So where you off?"


I reach down and grab her hand, and I walk with her

"Lets go together"

I know I sound desperate but, I need her back and the more time I spend with her, the more guys will understand to back off. We get to the chairs and Tom and Will raise their eyebrows when they see me grasping her hand. She takes her seat and I find mine, the producers run over some stuff with us. Once their are done, we go back to our dressing rooms to get ready for another day of auditions.

We were all getting fidgety, well apart from Jessie, who is always fidgeting, it was time for the last act to come on. We hear the normal breath, that we always hear before they start to sing, it's a deep male voice singing, 'Pass out' by Tinie Tempha. He was pitchy in a few bits, and he would go off key every now and then,

"Anyone gonna go?"

I ask, I look at Jessie, who is frozen in place and shaking her head at someone in the audience, probably Chip or Daley. He soon finishes and our chairs turn to face him, we look at Jessie who's meant to start the questions, but she's got her eyes down looking at the floor.

"What's your name?"

I finally ask, he doesn't look in my direction, just straight at Jessie.

"I think Jessica can answer that!"

Me, Tom and Will all turn our attention to Jessie, she doesn't look at us its like she's frozen in place, how does she know this guy?

"Can't you Jessica?!?"

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