Part 31

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Part 31


Explicit, after half way so if you don't like the explicit stuff, then I'm really sorry. But guys seriously if its to dirty/explicit then please tell me, I don't want to make any of you feel uncomfortable, remember I write this for you so if you want it to turn it down then I will, its written for you so please tell me what you think okay. Thank you for reading, or if not reading clicking.


Danny POV

We get into the flat and I put the suitcase in the bedroom straight away, before going to,give Jessie a cuddle but she pushes me away, I'm so confused at her sudden change of mood one minute happy and wants to be near me the next she's pushing me away, I stare at her in confusion

"Sorry Dan I'm just not in the mood for it right now, give me five minutes yeah?"

"Yeah babe, sorry 'bout that I will go and put the presents under the tree"


Within five minutes Jessie is still not back, I decide to try to check on her, but the bathroom door is locked, what the fuck? She never locks the bathroom door anymore. So I shout to her instead.

"Babe, do you want a drink?"

"Yeah please"

"What do you want babe?"

"Just water please babe"

I leave to get her a glass of water, and I make myself a mug of tea while I'm waiting, the room is dimly lit, because I'm trying to create a mood, hopefully she feels up to it today. I finish making my tea and I feel arms wrap around my waist, I turn around to see Jessie, wearing a short black silk dressing gown, which is tied tightly with a bow, it showed a lot of her killer legs but that's all it showed, which made me a little sad but oh well. She bends her body round mine, to grab her drink, my mouth falls open, while I'm staring at the beautiful view in front of me.

"Close your mouth Danny, you'll catch flys"

I look up to see her sat on top of the kitchen counter, I recover quickly with a smirk before leaning up to kiss her lips, which she reciprocates, I bite down on her tongue gently, a soft moan escapes her lips, then I take her smooth legs and wrap them around me carrying her to the tree, I sit her on the floor and I sit next to her, we pass each other presents. The first one she passes me is a small black box, I'm a small black bag, I eagerly unwrap the box and open it up to see a small, key in with piano keys decorating it.


"Yeah Dan?"

"Are you giving me a spare key?"

"What do you think?"

"Either that or you're asking me to move in with you!"

"Well you already kind of live me"

"True,thank you honey, I have something similar for you to"

I pass her a key, I had it personally designed to say 'Jess<3<3' it sounds cheesy but that's exactly what I am....cheesy and even though she doesn't say it I know she loves my cheesy humour and cheesy little chat up lines, that I use all the time.

"N'aww Dan that is"


"Yeah and sweet thank you"

"No problem sweet heart"

We continue to open presents, I open her present to me it's a beautiful camera, I set it up straight away and insert the SD card, before turning the view screen to see ourselves and I take a picture with her, she insists on seeing it and when she does, she gasps before snatching the camera out of my hand and deleting the picture, before handing me back the camera,I get ready to take another one this time I crash my lips onto hers, once I've taken the picture we carry on kissing for a few moments before pulling away slowly, making every moment last. I show her the picture and she smiles, and I can't help but smile as I watch her smile.

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