Part 61

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Part 61

Jessie's POV

I get woken up by Danny rolling on top of me within minutes he starts sucking on the skin of my neck biting ever so slightly every now and then. I shove him off me, I open my eyes to see him pouting at me, but I just turn over, because I wanted to get back to sleep.

"Jess come on baby, I've missed you to much for sleeping"

I roll over to face him, enforce sighing frustratedly.

"Danny, I still haven't forgiven you one hundred percent, if you want sex then you have to prove to me that you really do love me"

"Alright gorgeous how do I show you this?"

"I don't know be.... spontaneous , surprise me"

"But Jess..."

"Leave me to sleep"

I sigh pulling on my swimming trunks and grabbing my towel I head downstairs, it was still early and the sun was just coming up, the clear ocean water glistened as it reflected the light. I sat on the patio a tall glass of orange juice by my side. Spontaneous.... What could I do that's spontaneous? I was soo caught up thinking about it I didn't even notice Will and Tom joining me.


"Morning Dan, how are you and Jessie now?" W

"On speaking terms she came back and slept in the same bed as me last night, but she won't have sex with me..." D

"Sex? Not on my watch" T

"Oh come on Tomio, I heard you and your wife having a good time last night" D

"Oh yes last night was truly special for me and my Lynn" T

"Hey Tomio, have you ever planned a spontaneous date for your Lynn?" D

"Of course why do you ask?" T

"Well I need to plan one for Jessie in order to have sex with her..." D

"Oh right, well then Danny my boy myself and Will will assist" T

"Thank you, so any ideas?" D

"Vineyard?" T

"She's not a big drinker" D

"Swimming?" W

"It's a possibility I guess, but I'm not to sure about that one" D

"Hot air balloon?" T

"Yeah but she's got this thing with heights" D

"Point being? She will get scared and she will cuddle into you" W

"I guess,but also there would also have to be someone else there and you know, when I'm telling my girlfriend what I'm going to do to her I do really want another person listening in" D

"Fair play" T

"Any more ideas?" D

After another half a hour of discussion and the input of Reggie and Danny Cohen, we had decided on the date and after three whole hours everything was booked. I wandered back into the house as it was late morning, early lunch time I decided to make my beautiful baby brunch in bed something I knew that she would love. I arranged my work of art on a wooden tray before carrying it up to our bedroom where I found her still curled up in bed.

"Morning gorgeous"

I whispered as I placed a kiss on her cheek, she sat up and looked at me.

"What's that?"

"Well I thought you would be hungry and I couldn't let my princess go hungry so I brought you up brunch in bed"

I placed it down on her lap before climbing into bed next to her, I had placed her drink on the bed side table to stop it from spilling.

"So what have you made me all together?"

"Well you've got a toasted banana sandwich, some smoked salmon balinese, you've got a natural yoghurt and some fresh orange juice, is that okay?"

"'s perfect, thank you"

I watched as she tucked in when I could see she was struggling I stepped in to help, once the plate was totally empty she leant over and kissed me.

"So what are we doing today?"

"Haha nice try misses I'm not saying a word but what I will say is that we are leaving at half three and dress casual oh and bring your bikini"

"Okay then"

I kissed her one last time before leaving her to get dressed, I took the tray downstairs and while I was washing the dishes I felt something jump on to my back I laughed as I carried her down to the beach placed her on the floor and started wrestling with her.

Toms POV

I watched as Danny carried Jessie down on to the sand, her lilac bikini contrasting with his black trunks, she giggled as they play wrestled. It was in that moment that I knew that they would be just fine....

To be continued...

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