Part 53

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Part 53

Danny's POV

I wake up feeling a little uneasy like something's wrong. I turn my head slightly to see the time on the digital clock '3am' I groan involuntarily before trying to fall back asleep but I can't my senses are still telling me that something's wrong. I look up at Jessie because my instincts tell me that something's wrong as my eye focus on her face I see that she is still wide awake showing no signs that she has been to sleep at all. I scoop my arms under her body and cradle her against me, I watch helplessly as tears form in her eyes but I can't do anything about them.

"Babe? What wrong?"





A few minutes later a horse voice creeps out.

"N nothing I I'm f f fine"

I didn't believe her, I would be a fool to but I knew I would annoy her if I pressed on the matter, so I sigh heavily before pulling her tightly against me and trying to fall back to sleep.

*4 hours later*

I wake up again to a cold bed......that's not right, its only 7AM and Jessie's bed is always warm when I'm here....she's like a little cube of ice without me. I reach my arm over to pull her over to me, but my arm can't grab on to her I can only grab thin air ..... Now I know something's not right, I roll back over and I look over at her side to see a empty neatly made bed, no note, no text and no warning she's just disappeared!! I know she's upset about her parents but that doesn't mean she would just disappear she's probably in the bathroom...yeah that's it. I sit and wait for a seconds..minutes.. Hours even waiting for her to walk out of that bathroom door, but instead all I hear is silence she had gone...god knows for how long for. I was worried....okay worried is a understatement but what can I say. I after a hour of solid waiting I search the flat for a clue, not that I found one though Jessie was never one for making my job easy she always was trying to make my life a little harder, not that that is a bad thing but I would like to have one relaxed weekend where no drama, and no ridiculously hard tasks are given to me. She once asked me to get grapes with SEEDS!! Do you have any idea how hard they are to find?! Extremely hard, in the end I managed to find them after countless shops, and I brought them home, after eating a few she announced that seedless grapes were much better. But I guess all those little things are what I love about her. But anyway where the hell could she be, I ran outside locking the door behind me. I notice her car is still here that's really weird, why would? I don't? Oh well, I get in the car and drive everywhere I could think to look.

The studios? Nope.

Toms house? Nope.

Tulisas house? Nope

The park where we walk Jackson? Nope

I checked everywhere I could think of, I just couldn't find her. I get back into the car. The rain is coming down heavy now, and so are my tears I just want her to come home safe and sound. I drive back to the flat, once I'm inside I walk around looking for Jessie I don't leave any area un searched. Then I stop, she's not here I'm just fooling myself. I stare out onto the city of London just praying that wherever she is she's safe. Suddenly a huge lightning strike flashes and thunder shakes the ground. Fresh tears run down my cheeks, she hates thunder and lightning during the voice if ever we are there to practise with our acts, and there's a little thunder and lightning, you can her her scream, and someone has to run to her because she gets herself so worked up we are scared that she will have a panic attack, but no she's out there on her own. Where no one would no how to calm her down, I make myself a cup-a-soup before sitting back down trying to figure out where she is.

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