chapter four

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The picture is unknown

Vin's pov

I walked up to the car and knocked on the window.Unknown looked up and made the most cutest face ever.He opened the door and let go of the man.The man looked up in wonder then saw me."Who are you"
"Dad this is my friend vin".His dad looked at me and he said"you better be good with my son you hear me he's been through a lot he doesn't need another harm in his life" "I promise I'll do your son right sir he's a very special person to me I could never hurt him" they both smiled as I stared at unknown.

Mitch's pov (unknown's dad)

I pulled away from vin and got unknown."I think you should stay with him for awhile until I find a good place for us.I know it's going to be while but I'll live with some of my friends and you can live with him.I'm going to talk to his parents,I know them from work and ask them if you can stay.Is that okay? I nodded.Good sweetie I love you".

Unknown's pov

My dad walked away and I turned around and started to walk towards vin."So what do you wanna do" I whispered so quietly it seems like he didn't hear."we could stay here and go get something to eat or go to my house and eat"."Your house is Fine".
Vin nodded and got up.We both started to walk when we came up to a medium cute blue house.We walked up to it and walked in nobody was home.We walked to the kitchen and grabbed stuff out of the refrigerator."I heard everything your dad said unknown.And I think it's an awesome idea I hope you really get to stay here."I do too" I whispered.We both smiled and he started to cook something that smelled delicious.I probably couldn't eat it though.

Time skip

He made all sorts of food that don't even go Orange chicken and French fries.What the hell."okay so eat whatever you would like"he said after he got three plates mountain high for himself.I got a little bit of orange chicken and that's it.I looked up at vin and seen him falling over but he picked himself up but one of the plates was going to me then food got everywhere all over me.I picked up my plate of food and threw it in his hair.

Vin's pov

"Oh it's on"I said with an evil smile.The next forty five minutes later we're all out of food.Me and unknown are covered in stuff I don't even remember making.We both looked up and I noticed we were really close together.I leaned in and touched his lips.It started out gently but slowly got more rougher.I asked for an entrance but he wouldn't give it to me.So I put my hands on his butt and squeezed them.He gasped and I put my tongue in his mouth.I fought for dominance and won.He moaned into my mouth and I started to grind myself on him and he moaned even more.Then I heard the front door open but didn't pay any attention to it.Then I heard someone say "what the hell"

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Sorry I didn't post this yesterday I was way to busy and just didn't get the time to do it I'm so so so sorry if you were looking forward to the chapter but since I didn't post yesterday I'll post two chapters today that's fair right I hope so but I won't post two chapters right away I'll only do this one now and the other one in a couple of hours

Word count:630

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