Chapter 3

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Sorry for the Shortness of this Chap.

As always, I do not own VA or any Characters.

Writing I. Writing I. Writing I! Where is Writing I? I kept asking myself as I walked around the school. “Where is Writing I?” I asked myself quietly while looking around until I ran into someone, and man! Did their body ever feel good on mine.

“Hey! Watch where your... Oh! Hi Rose,” Dimitri said as he looked me up and down.

“See something you like?” I asked him as I shook my hips a little. Wait. Shook? Why was I shaking my hips for Dimitri Belikov? Didn't I give my brother my word I would stay away from his friends? And on top of that, didn't I call Dimitri ugly and a douche prior to now?

“Rosemary, where are you going?” he asked me.

“To my Writing class, why?”

“No your not.”

“I'm not?” I asked in confusion.


“Then where am I going?”

“With me,” Dimitri stated as he picked me up around my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

I hit Dimitri's back trying to get him to let me down. “Let me down!”

“Nope. Hey Mrs. D?”

I heard another females voice. “Why Dimitri. What a surprise. What can I help you with?”

“Well, ya see Mrs. D, Rose here has volunteered to come to my acting class to be my partner. Is that alright with you?”

“Sure, let me just get our assignment for Rosemary.” Mrs. D, (who ever she is) said to Dimitri and apparently me butt.

“Acting?” I whispered to Dimitri.


“Here you go.” Dimitri took his free hand, grabbed my paper and stuck it in my back pocket... In other words... Dimitri, the turned-out-to-get-a-hair-cut-before-school-started-up-and-now-looks-hot Dimitri Belikov just touched my ass!

“Thank you!” I yelled over Dimitri's shoulder.

“You're welcome,” Dimitri and Mrs. D said at the same time.

“Well, looks like I better get going or I'm going to be late.”

“Sure thing. See you guys later,” Mrs. D said as we went back into the hall.

“Dimitri!” I wiggled, struggling again to get free of his grip. “What are you going to do with me!?”

“Just like I said. Acting.”

We walked into another room. “Sit here and stay here Roza.”

“What's Roza?”

“I'll tell you when I get back if you stay right here.”

I sat back in the chair Dimitri had just set me in.

Apparently this was acting class. Dimitri was over talking to someone. I was looking around the room. “I wonder if acting will be fun.”

“It sure will be.”

I turned around in surprise. “Uh-oh.”

Christian watched me. “What are you doing here.”

“To be truthful, I don't even know, Dimitri just picked me up an brought me here.”

“Oh jeez.” Christian said as he got up and went over to Dimitri.

I watched them talk. Too bad I can't read lips.

Dimitri and Christian came back over. Christian took a seat at where I had just been sitting, and Dimitri picked me up again, and put me over his back, again.

“What? Christian!”

“What Rose?”

“Where is Dimitri taking me?” I asked as Dimtiri started head out the door.

“It's a surprise.” Was all Christian said as he let Dimitri carry me out of the acting room.

I had a feeling this had to do with more than just acting.

R&R Pleaseeeeee ~ KarliQ

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