Chapter 7

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Hey everyone!

Anyway.... Here's your next Chapter!

Note: I do not own any of the characters.

I felt a hand upon my shoulder as I screamed in vain, “Get away from me! Get away from me!”

I was too wound up to hear whoever was talking to me and I continued screaming until I felt their hand fall away. Then I looked up to see...


He looked at me as if he'd never seen me. “What the hell Rose? What was that all about?”

I stammered. “Noth... Noth... Nothing at all.” I gave him a weak laugh and a pathetic smile.

“Rose....” I closed my eyes and listened to him say my name.

“Yeah Dimitri?”

“What should I do with you?”

My heart started to beat more, and not because Dimitri was talking about me. “You should leave me here in my bed.”



“What was that about Rose?” he asked with true concern in his eyes.

“It was about...” I was about to say as my brother came storming in.

“What the hell Rose? Why did you walk out on Dimitri and scare us both to death?” and then he added “Oh hey Dimitri,” and smiled at him as if everything was good.

“Hey,” Dimitri weakly responded, still staring at me.

“I was just...ah... I was upset, and it's not like Dimitri cared! To him I'm just a fat ass.” I saw the hurt look in Dimitri's eyes, but I couldn't stop, I was on a role. “Oh! And then Christian! You've got to hear this! When Dimitri was chasing after me, Tasha rolled by in her van, and Dimitri STOPPED looking for me.” Christian turned toward Dimitri looking at him like he was going to be sick. “Oh, and then Christian! Get this! Dimitri was SCREWING Tasha! Haha! Yeah!” I was worn out from being a tattle tail.

“Dimitri?” Christian said to Dimitri in a growl. “Is all that true?”

“Oh wait Christian. Wait.” I continued. “Dimitri came in here, after I called him and asked him to come. And he didn't ring the doorbell or knock. He just waltzed right in like he own the whole house! Then he put his hand on me, and you know what that does to me!” I finish collapsing on the bed.

Christian turned to me and gently said, “Is that all Rose?”

“Yeah,” I whispered back, not bothering to look at Dimitri or Christian, but deciding the best place to look at would be the ceiling.

Christian whispered, “Ok,” to me before I figured he turned to glare at Dimitri.

“What the fuck are you thinking Dimitri? Huh? I know how you feel about my sister!” Whoa wait.... how he feels? “And you called her a fat ass?”

“It was a joke, Christian.” Dimitri stated weakly.

Christian continued on. “Then you go after my sister, and Tasha. Tasha. The girl you don't even like, Tasha comes along and you get in a car with her and stop looking for my sister, and don't even bother on telling me you've stopped?”

“Listen Christian...” Dimitri tried to put in

“No! Damn it Dimitri! I thought you were my friend, and I thought you of all people I could count on watch my sister and make sure she doesn't get hurt! But you hurt her just as much as anyone else!”

“Except for one,” I whispered in.

“And you go and SCREW TASHA? You? Dimitri! You screwed the girl you don't even like, when my sister very well could have been hurt or lost or kidnapped?” He doesn't like Tasha? “And then you come in here and scare my little sister to pieces! What kind of sick person are you Dimitri? Huh?!” Christian finished yelling.

Dimitri stared at me. “I didn't know I was hurting you and her in all these ways. I'm sorry.”

“Well sorry isn't cutting it tonight Dimitri!” Christian yelled. “Get the hell out of this house!”

“But..” Dimtiri attempted.

“NOW!” Christian yelled so loud I think he shook the house.

Dimitri turned around and walked out the door slowly and whispered sorry as he closed the door.

Christian sighed and came to sit on my bed. I jumped into his arms and cried on his chest. “I really thought whoever was in here was going to rape me again.”

“I'm sorry I wasn't here Rose. I was still out looking for you. I didn't know that you would actually have been here instead of out there. You're always so stubborn.”

“No Christian. I'm sorry. I'm an irresponsible person. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have run away, and you wouldn't have had to look for me and... and...” I started stuttering again.

“Shhhh, shhhh” Christian whispered into my hair as he held me. “Everything's going to be alright. I'm right here Rose. Shhhh.”

And for a few hours while I slept, I actually believed him.

Mtay guys :) Comment and favorite and all that good stuff =) and be sure to tell me what you think will happen in the next chapters in your comments.


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