Chapter 13

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Soon enough Dimitri and I pulled up at Walmart.

“So what do we all need?” Dimitri asked.

I started ticking the items off on my fingers as I named them. “Croutons, alcohol, lots of shrink rap, maple syrup, and some duct tape.”

“Thats quite the shopping list.” Dimitri said as we stepped out of his car and started walking into the store.

“Ok, you go to automotive and grab the duct tape, and I'll go grab the “groceries.” I said and split up with him, heading for the food isles. Soon we met by the registers with all the supplies ready to go.

“I'm surprised you didn't need window markers for Adrian's little surprise.”

I laughed at Dimtri as we stepped up to the cashier. “Don't be silly. I've already got those.”

“Well, ok then. I guess.” Dimitri said as he pulled out his ID for the cashier. No problem, the alcohol was sold to us and we hit the road quickly, going back to his place.

“Hey,” I said as we pulled into his drive way, “Thanks for coming with me.”

“No problem. I think I'm going to need the alcohol anyway.” He smiled a breath taking smile at me.

“I hope not.” I said as I got out of his car and grabbed everything but the alcohol from the back seat. For some reason Dimitri likes Russian Vodka. He thinks it's got more of a kick than the regular store bought vodka.

He came around the car and pulled me tight to him. “Where are you off to so fast?”

“I need to get home and grab the rest of the supplies from my room. Then I'm going to hide it outside and have Lissa do the job for me while I keep Adrian distracted just a bit.”

I saw a frown appear on Dimitri's face. “Not like that. He will not be aloud anywhere below the belt.”

A smirk appeared on his face. “Like this?” he asked as he grabbed my butt.

I jerked away from him and looked at him like he was mad. “You can't just do that!”

“Why? You're going to be mine in a short time anyway! What's the point in prolonging it?”

“It's not just about Adrian. This is a entirely different matter Dimitri! You can't just grab me like that!”

“Jeez Rose! I was just trying to have some fun here!”

“Fun in the form of assaulting me?”


I took a deep breath and turned away from him. “Just, never mind. I'll see you later at the party.”

I got in my truck and only looked back to spare a glance at him. He had gotten the new bottle out of his car, opened it, and was taking a swig out of it.

I sighed and drove home in silence. I couldn't think of a song that would fit the mood I was in, although I'm sure I had known one that would fit the mood all too well.

I pulled in my drive and got out, leaving my bag on the passenger seat of the truck, not putting too much thought into it. I wasn't worried about anyway thinking anything weird would be in the truck, because most people didn't even know I had a truck, since I mostly drove my car. They'd probably think it was someone else's, and that was A.O.K with me.

I went inside to see Christian had in fact changed and was working on a plate of salsa and chips for the guests. He was now sporting a tux-t-shirt, along with jeans and converse.

“Hey sister, how was your fresh air?” He said eyeing me suspiciously.

“Great!” I said putting on a fake smile and talking in a far too high of voice. I took a deep breath and brought myself back to reality. “So, is Lissa really gonna let you wear that?”


“Oh, cool.” I said. “So, what are we eating?”

“Chips and salsa, what's it look like?” Christian said as he walked into the living room and set he plate down.

“Is that all?”


“Oh....” I said dragging it out. Thats totally not ok. “I'm going to go upstairs I guess. I'll be back down in a little while.”

“Ok.” Christian said blankly.

I started up the stairs to get my phone. Time to order some pizza, cause chips and salsa are just not going to cut it.

I grabbed my phone and went into my bathroom to check out my make up. I didn't wear a lot, just a little lip gloss and some gold eyeshadow, but I didn't want to look a mess for my party either. I dialed up Pizza Hut. “Uh... Hi!” I chirped. “Can I get 5 cheese pizzas, 3 hamburger, and 2 taco? Oh! And can I get that delivered?”

The boy replied, asked for my phone number and address, told me the total for it, and promptly said that it'd be over in 45 minutes. Hey! I can't complain with that. 45 minutes for 10 pizzas? Awesome!

I looked around my bathroom. It was a total mess. Lissa hadn't treated this place with any respect.

I started picking up towels as I looked in my shower and screamed. “LISSA! CHRISTIAN! GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!”

I heard little “shits” as they walked up the stairs to my room.

“Yeah, sister?” Christian asked. He sounded worn.

“What's wrong?” Lissa asked, sounded more than a little worried.

I pointed at my drain. “What the hell?”

Christian laughed a little, and Lissa blushed, saying “Our bad.” As she picked their used condom out of my shower and tossed it into the garbage.

“This is my shower you guys! Why'd you do the nasty in my shower?!”

“Ok, just calm down Rose,” Christian said. I moved between them and grabbed some bleach from under my sink and splashed it in the shower. “Was that really necessary Rose?”

“Yes! This is my shower Christian! Do it in your own shower and I won't have a problem. And I don't want cooties from my brother! Now get out!”

Christian exited the room. Lissa stayed as I turned on the shower and the fan, attempting to get he bleach out of my shower and get the smell out of my bathroom.

“The stage is ready in the back yard,” Lissa whispered.

I smiled at her. “Awesome. No hard feelings. Just not in my shower next time. Or any other time. Ok?”

“Sure,” Lissa said and started to smile.

I walked back to my room and grabbed everything else that Lissa would need for Adrian's car and handed it to her. “There you go. Everything else is in my truck. Oh! And don't be afraid to get carried away with it.” I smiled at Lissa.

She smiled and walked out of my room and I looked at my shut bathroom door.

“For goodness sake!” I whispered to myself, “That's my shower!!!”

Ok you awesome guys and galls :) Review and all that other stuffs. Hope you enjoyed the little story here. Next chapter is the party!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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