Chapter 9

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Thanks for the criticisms... but, I'm not going to change my way of this story, and as I like to say “You can't please everyone.”

Anyway, cheers to the next chapter ;)

Note: I don't own any of the characters :(

I walked back out waiting for others to come out. Soon I spotted Lissa and Christian coming out. Yay, those damn breakfast whores.

“Hey guys!” I said walking over cheerfully. “What's going on?”

Lissa ran over and hugged me tight. “Ugh Rose! I thought you were really mad at me! I'm sorry about the breakfast.”

“Na Lissa. You're just a breakfast whore. So, what's up with the fire alarms?” I asked as I let go of Lissa

“Just a drill, I'm assuming,” Christian said in his I-know-everything voice.

Just then there was another pair of arms around me. “What the hell?” I almost yelled.

“Shhh, little Rose. It's just me.” Adrian announced his arrival.

“Ughhh,” I groaned as I attempted to pull Adrian's ever tightening arms off me. “Let go.”

“Seriously Adrian,” Christian said and looked at Adrian with a deathly look in his eyes. “Let her go.”

“Yeah.” A new dark voice joined our group. I flinched as Christian's eyes turned and took on a whole new level of pain, hurt and betrayal.

Suddenly I was backing into Adrian as I felt his arms getting looser. Now he decides to listen.

“Adrian!” barked Dimitri as Christian and Lissa took off to another part of the crowd outside.

Adrian almost took his arms off me, and I pulled them back around me tightly. He can't let me go now that Dimitri was here.

“Hey Dimitri.” The floaty little airhead had arrived. Pain had emerged onto Dimitri's face. He took Tasha's hand and looked at me, eyes hard again, focusing just behind me.

“Rose...” Adrian whispered to me.

I looked at Dimitri dead on, taking his focus off of Adrian. “Dimitri.” His eyes changed into what looked like the softest cake in the world.


“Knock it off! Quit acting like you own me, and posses Adrian. If he hadn't had his arms around me, you wouldn't even be over here, would you?”

“Rose, you looked like you needed help.”

Tasha looked a little confused, but I didn't care. “Why? Why all of a sudden do you think you have the right to control me?”

“I'm not trying to control you! Jesus Rose! I'm just trying to help!”

“Dimitri?” Tasha interrupted. She got a pretty nasty look from the three of us.

Dimitri's eyes softened a little. “Yes honey?”

Adrian fake threw up. I kissed my hand and reached behind me to place it on his cheek. I felt him smile under my hand and hold it there.

“I'm horny.” Tasha announced to the group.

I let out a fake sarcastic laugh. “Wow,” was all I could think to say.

“Hold on a second babe,” Dimitri said to her with lust in his eyes. No love, only lust. How sweet. He turned back to me. “Are we done?”

“No, not quite,” I said as I looked back to Adrian, who was stilling holding onto my hand. I winked at him and mouthed stay, and he looked back confused. “Dimitri. If you need to go and fuck her, just hold on a second, I want to give you something,” I said in as nice of a voice as I could handle.

Dimitri looked confused. I let go of Adrian's hand and took a step toward Dimitri, and saw lust form in his eyes as he watched me take the step. He held out a hand to me, and I took it. “What do you need to give me?” He said in a gruffy tone.

I leaned up to his ear and whispered softly, “Just watch, ok? And then listen, will you do that for me?”

“Anything for you,” he whispered back, gently nibbling on my ear. He wrapped his hands around me. Now it was Tasha who was fake throwing up at Dimitri's side.

I gently took Dimitri's hands from around me and brought them so they were between us as I leaned back slightly.

I turned around fast and jumped into Adrian's arms and kissed him, slowly. I felt a smile spread across his lips as his arms wrapped around my back, holding onto me tightly. I pulled back slowly and looked over my shoulder as an angry Dimitri stared back at Adrian and me.

“You will never have me, you asshole.” I turned back to Adrian and whispered into his ear, “Thanks for staying.” I gently nibbled on his ear, feeling him relax more against me.

I rested my head on his chest, still looking over my shoulder at Dimitri who looked just astonished. “Dimitri?” Tasha tried, looking surprised.

Dimitri didn't respond to her.

She grabbed his hand and tried to tow him away from me. I smiled at Dimitri, because he still wasn't doing anything. I felt Adrian placing small kisses on the top of my head.

“Dimitri! Ugh!” Tasha yelled at him. He finally snapped and looked at her, and her hand in his. He looked back at Adrian with a death glare. “Watch out Adrian. She's mine.”

“I'm pretty sure she just made it clear who she wants to have her. And in case you didn't catch it, it's not you.”

Dimitri looked at both of us with a hard stare. Then turned around with Tasha on his arm and probably lead her to what was his car.

I turned back to Adrian as someone came over the intercom. “School with be let out now due to a small fire going on in the home economics room. Thank you! Have a good day!”

Adrian smiled down at me. “Wanna go out with me?”

Thanks guys :) R&R and all that goooooood stuffs ~Karli

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