Two versions

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You know what for this fritz shall be da paitent and i shall be da doctor! Cuz i wannna be neuro surgeon, but ima GP we all gotta start somewhere!

Fritz: doctor doctor doctor
Chilli: what what what
Fritz: i cant stop stealing stuff
Chilli: ok let me wri- wheres my pen?
Fritz: -whistles-
Chilli: IMMA CALL DA POL- wheres my phone?

Version twoooooooooooo ( dont ask why i did that cuz idk myself 😁 )

Fritz: doctor doctor doctor
Chilli: what what what
Fritz: i cant stop stealing stuff
Chilli: try to resist it.... If you cant get me an Iphone 6
-5 minutes later-
Fritz: here you go! - puts down Iphone 6-
Chilli: sorry Iphone 7 is out could you get me that
-200 milliseconds later-
Fritz: here you go -gives me Iphone 7 -
Chilli: ummm Iphone 8+ is out..
-30 seconds later-
Fritz: im ba- theres an Iphone 9 right?
Chilli: no Iphone 30x
Fritz: yeeah youve put me off stealing
Chilli: I am such a good doctor

I tweaked both myself i maaaay have exaggarated the iphone thing so no offence to anyone! Again way too random have.... A ..... You thought i was gunna say cookie right?

Yeah i was! Have a cookie! 😊🍪

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