One of my fav jokes TRIPLE WHAMMY OF JOKES

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A blonde was called to do work so she went over to do work i guess. The guy asked her to paint the porch. So she went and 30 minutes later she came backa and said i had left over paint so i did it twice. The man was amazed and paid her and as the blonde was gunna go when she said "its not a porche its a ferrari..."

There were two sisters a blonde and a brunette they wanted to buy Apple so they went to the fair so the brunette went to the fair and said to give her $600 to the blonde. She gave her $600 and the man said he would only give the bullfor $599 dollars and no more or less.The brunette wanted the blonde to come see the bull but could only type kne word. So she typed comfortable. A passerby saw the bull and asked her hows your sister gunna know how to get the bull? The brunette replied "my sisters a blonde! She'll read it slowly!"

The past present and future came into a bar it was tense... 😂 lol this is siris joke!

The book of super jolly jokes! Book 1 of the joker seriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin