The sweetest story you shall ever hear!

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There was a beautiful girl. She got brutally murdered by jeff the killer skenderman masky hoody ben skully and smile dog. The end.

That was such a sweet story! Aaaaaaaah so romantic i think i could cry!
From now on italics shall be fritz:
Really? Romantic? We have a way different meaning of romantic! Yours is creepypasta killing innocent people an-
And yours is a boy giving you a big hero 6 life sized balloons while you fangirl over him and then he breaks up with you and you dont even notice. 😒
Ummmm i have got an urgent emergency! I i i i ne-
Need to fangirl over hiro?
Guests will be in bold italic
Hiro: fangirl?
Chilli and fritz: GET BACK TO YOUR STORY!
Hiro: sheesh sorry!
I have got to go
Fangirl? Over hiro?
??? Whats her problem? Meh. Probably fangirl stress!

The book of super jolly jokes! Book 1 of the joker seriesWhere stories live. Discover now