3. Irritating

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"Tilly, wanna see the 'Guardians of the Galaxy'?" Troye asked.

"Sorry, boy, we've just seen it with Connor the other day."

Troye sighed. Over the past few months, he had already gotten used to this reply.

Frankly, he wasn't even sure that he was Tyler's best friend anymore. Everywhere Tyler went, Connor followed, every party, movie night or going out. They flirted a bit, cuddled on the couches, occasionally danced with each other at the clubs jokingly, and texted each other incessantly, but they generally acted like that with a lot of other people in their lives too.

On multiple occasions, Tyler, being the heart of their social group, tried to make Connor and Troye befriend each other through various elaborate schemes, be it making them buy drinks for the party together or strategically seating them next to each other during the drive to the beach.

Well, it did not work.

Talkative, smiley, sweet Connor, once faced with Troye, turned distant and cold, making excruciatingly awkward small talk, while scrolling through his Instagram feed. When anyone of their friends was present, especially Tyler, the conversation was flowing easily, with jokes and light-hearted jabs thrown around, but even then Connor didn't look at Troye and didn't speak to him.

And when they were alone, it was as if Troye didn't exist at all. One time at Zoe's place, while she popped out to the store, Troye spent half an hour doing nothing but feeding her guinea pigs lettuce, with Connor just silently sitting there, watching a movie on the couch. Admittedly, they were the most uncomfortable 30 minutes of Troye's life, and he had done a lot of walk of shames and morning afters in his time.

Troye couldn't even describe how much Connor irritated him.

So, the next time there was a movie Troye wanted to see, he didn't even bother to ask Tyler, and went alone.

What he didn't expect to see at the theatre was the boy, who occupied his thoughts so much lately, slouched in the seat with a coffee cup perched on the armrest, gray beanie on top of his head.

"What are you doing here?" Troye blurted out dumbfoundedly.

Connor looked up at him and smiled timidly, "Hi. I'm here for a movie?" It sounded more of a question than a reply.

Troye continued to stare, stupefied, "Is Tyler here?"

Connor shook his head, "No, I'm all alone, actually. Do you wanna, maybe, sit next to me?" He inquired, moving up his jacket and coffee to the other side. Glancing over at Troye, he added hastily, "Oh sorry, you must be waiting for somebody."

Troye could have sworn that the boy had just blushed a little, "Nah, I'm also on my own." With that, he plopped into the chair next to Connor, and they fell into a strained silence.

Two hours later Troye found himself in the passenger seat of Connor's car.

"You can change the song if you like," Connor supplied softly, motioning to the radio, but Troye shook his head.

"I like this band, actually."

"Really? Few people do."

"Well, few people have good taste in music."

Connor gently laughed, "That much is true."

They barely spoke for the rest of the drive.

Before getting out and saying Connor goodbye, Troye asked, "Are you coming over to Zoe's tomorrow?"

Connor looked hesitant, "I guess we all are." Troye guessed that he implied all his fuckboy friends. "Is Tyler still coming?"

Troye was already reaching for the knob, "I think so. See you then. Thanks for the ride."

Blind side (Tronnor AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora