Part I

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Bonus Chapter

Warning Explicit Content

Author's Note

This Chapter is their life after this book. We decided that this book wouldn't have a sequel to Beth and Luke's story so we're writing it here for Just Write It Award and Watty 2015. So keep voting for this story guys!

Second of all, this chapter will have sexual contents okay? Okay.

9 Month Later Later

I drummed my milky fingers on our oak table located in the center of our large studio apartment. Lifting my cup of tea up to my lips and taking a small sip of the warm liquid that was steaming hot. The sweet taste stuck to my tongue and I felt warmth in the pit of my tummy where the tea traveled to. The smell of bacon and baby formula filled the kitchen of our apartment, a smell I have gotten used to since I brought little Jessica into the world only four months ago. Speaking of the tiny ball of light, she was currently slumbering peacefully in her swing. Her tiny head tilting to the right with her little lips parted, tiny dribbles of drool escaping the cavern to her mouth. I would've gotten up and swiped some of the spit off her cheek but due to the busy morning I had so far, I'll take a rain check. She won't seem to mind.

I flipped the page of my bridal magazine, as my sister was looking through the pages of the bridal magazine.

"Oh that one!" She exclaimed excitedly, taking a sip of her own tea before resting the cup back on the table. I rolled my eyes, plucking her finger from the page while studying the page myself. I scrunched my nose up, a habit I had gotten from my fiancé, Luke who had given it to our daughter as well and was on tour with his band. Except they were both much cuter when they did it. Luke always hates when I coo over his nose, claiming that it was one of his biggest insecurities when he was younger. I find it endearing, and I'm forever grateful that our daughter seemed to have inherited it.

"I don't know, I don't like mermaid gowns." I said, shrugging my shoulders while scooting my chair over to Jess's swing. I placed my hand on the seat and gently rocked her back and forth, smiling when tiny sighs came from her lips.

"What? Those ones are my favorite!" She screamed, shaking her head at me before flipping on to the next page. She's always wanted to be a mermaid ever since she first saw the Little Mermaid.

"They always have the most sparkles." She countered with a raised dark eyebrow.

"Yeah well I just had a baby four months ago, mermaid gowns plus baby hips don't mix." I mumbled, "Plus I can't lose that much weight that easily," I took another sip of my tea. She scoffed, rolling her eyes at me.

I raised my eyebrows at her response.

"Oh shut up, you have a better body than women who have had no kids." She argued, eyes glaring with jealousy as they scanned down the shape of my body. "Plus, I would chop off my arm for your boobs."

"You and Luke both don't seem to understand how much of pain in the ass they are," I countered, folding my arms under my chest before sitting back in my chair. "It's not fun having to buy all new bras because you went up a cup size. Do you know how much money a bra costs at most stores now a days? It really takes a toll out of-"

"Oh yeah, I'm sure Luke is complaining on spending money on new bras for your bigger boobs." She said sarcastically, scoffing slightly while flipping on to the next page of the magazine. "I'm sure he hates it."

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