| Day 3 |

442 27 1

9:16 pm

Unknown :

You want to know who I am?

Shy :

Yes please!

Unknown :

My name is Luke. That's all you get to know.

Shy :

Luke ? That's a cute name

Luke :

Thank you love. Now sleep. I have things to do

You Need No More of Me

Don't ask me how I am and how I feel!

Why would you even care? Really.

We were trying to negotiate a deal.

You played, had fun. I was just silly

Believing that one can fly and grab a star,

Laugh and cry once soul mate is detected.

It's a dream, a fantasy. You're just too far.

I hit the flame, got burned and rejected.

How bitter, awkward, stinging! This raging pain

Made a cozy nest down inside me.

Fucked up biography has another stain

Of fail, loss, rejection. Bury me!

You're wise so probably you did already.

Time for me to bury you instead.

Your life is fascinating, fast and steady,

I'll take the scissors and cut this thread

That keeps connecting me and you together

Although our communication seized.

Oh dear God! How I hate this shitty weather

Give me some sun! Oh please! It'd ease

This bloody heartache, perhaps a hangover,

Schmaltzy sentiments our story had.

I'll surely progress, I will grow. Roll over!

How to apply witty things I've read?

Opened the power of imagination.

For someone so pragmatic and shrewd...

Feel I discovered a path to creation

Of something meaningful yet too crude.

You have talked to me and showed me to the door

I know you didn't mean to hurt me.

It's just enough for you and you need no more

Of me as lover, soul mate. I see.

It takes time to accept another failure

Although we seemed such a perfect match.

I have to adapt and alter behavior

So that my happiness I could catch.

- Agatha Jetaime

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