Part II

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Bonus Chapter Part II

Warning Explicit Content

Beth POV

Today was the day. Today I was no longer going to be just myself, I'm going to be Mrs Hemmings; a day that felt like it'd never arrive but at the same time felt all too soon. So much planning and preparation had went into this, it'd ended up turning into this massive event that had took over my life for the past year and given me more sleepless nights than I'd care to admit. Sure, planning it was stressful and everyone helped out but the thing that kept me up at night was the thought of having to stand in front of all those people and speak. Marrying Luke and spending the rest of my life with him seemed like the easiest thing to do, but I never wanted anything more than a life with him but having hundreds of eyes on you put an immense amount of fear into you.

"Are you ready yet?" My dad knocked on the door lightly. I swing the door open hard revealing me in my beautiful full white dress and completely wild looking eyes.

"I can't Dad, I can't do this today. There's too many ... what .. I just. I don't think I can." My grip on the door handle was so strong that it was a miracle that the thing was still on there.

"It's okay sweetie, why don't you take a minute? You just need a little fresh air and you'll be fine," he said. My father had to come to the terms that Luke and I were going to stay as a family and nothing was going to break up apart.

He ushered me away from the loud chatter of people behind the doors and towards the front door. He opened it and stood with you for a moment, placing his hands on your shoulders and getting you to breathe deeply with him.

"Just stand here for a second sweetie and I'll just let them know that you need another five minutes" He rubbed my back softly before heading back through into the venue. Outside was starting to look very appealing to me, it was so quite and calm with the beautiful gardens surrounding the building. I lifted my dress up, so I wouldn't dirty it, and walked into the gardens, there was nobody here, just me and my worried  thoughts. I sat down on one of the benches and took a deep breath. I could feel tears starting to form and fought hard to keep them back, Luke was depending on me to get through this. How would he feel if I didn't walk down the aisle today just because I hated an audience.I didn't want him to feel like I don't love him.

Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

"Excuse me but can you help me? I'm looking for my fiancée. We're suppose to be getting married here today but she seems to have gotten lost."

I whipped my head around quickly and saw Luke standing there, looking just as handsome as the day I met him on that horrible night. He had a beautiful black suit on with a nice white crisp shirt. His baby blues looked even more hypnotizing than usual.

I swallowed the lump in your throat, "I think she's around here somewhere. She's probably just a little nervous."

He sat down beside me on the bench. "Do you think it would help if I told her that she was the most beautiful bride that I'd ever seen and that I can't wait to call her my wife?"

"I think that it'd make her smile. But what if she's just really scared of standing up in front of all those people today?"

"Then I'd tell her that it's okay to be nervous, but to never be scared when I'm by her side. And if she really doesn't want to do it today then that's okay because I'll love her just the same."

He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it so gently as he kept his eyes on mine. I felt tears threaten to slip down my red cheeks at any moment. "I think that she'll be okay, just make sure you hold her hand okay?"

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