| Day 40 · Finale |

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5:18 am

Unknown :

Should we put the plan into action?

Unknown :


7:18 am

Luke :

Fuck. Calum they're coming!

Calum :

Text her now bastard!

8:12 am

Luke :

Princess, listen to me okay?

Beth :

Luke! I'm so sorry!

Luke :

I know. But you're leaving your house right?

Beth :

Yeah why?

Luke :

Grab your brother and go into your hiding place.

Beth :

What's going on?!?!

Luke :

Just go! Now!

8:29 am

Beth :


Luke :

Breathe love. Just breathe.

9:12 am

Calum :

They're still there?

Luke :

Yes. I'm going over there now.

Calum :

I'll bring back up in case.

Luke :

Thank you.

10:00 am

Beth :

They're still here Luke...

10:12 am

Beth :

Luke ?

10:18 am

Luke :

Come out. It's safe.

Authors POV

As Beth and her little come out of their safe room, there stand Luke. With his damp blonde hair. Him smiling at the girl he fell in love with. Here they stand. Staring at each other. No movement. Tears swell in Beth's eyes. She finally met her prince. Her hero. Her Luke. She ran to him, skipping over the dead bodies, and crushed him in an embrace. And something told her to breathe. Which she did.


Yay! It's finished.

Haha. Thank you for all the love and support, even though this story sucks like balls.

We will do a pre-sequel but it will be coming out in Summer of 2015.

Like again, thank you.

-Sammie and Princess

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