Chapter 6: Who didn't hear that scream?

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We all jerked ourselves up into a sitting position from lying on the dusty ground, heavily panting like we'd just ran from one side of Ninjago to the other 10times. It was only now I realised how long they had been out of consciousness for. We were in the middle of eating lunch when we had the vision, the sun was above us, and now it was nearly below the horizon.

"That was her, wasn't it?" Kai questioned "That was the fifth Ninja.."

"A..girl?" Jay sounded almost offended that the newest member to be was a female.

"Yes, a girl" Zane confirmed.

"That was so strange.." I added in, though I felt distant, almost in a trance.

"She needs us, she needs us now. Did you not hear her?" Cole stood up and looked up into the navy sky.

"Who didn't hear that scream?" That was obviously Jay.

"Jay that's not funny" Cole turned on him.

"I suggest we continue our search for another 2 or 3hours. It is 5:53pm. Then tomorrow, we can properly look for..Reanne" Zane suggested.

"I agree, much better than sitting here having a tea party" Kai nodded and looked at me, and I nodded too.

We rose from the floor and stood with Cole, looking up to the darkening sky I let out a sigh. Time for some more running. Luckily, it wouldn't be for long, unluckily, it was getting dark and I couldn't see entirely where I were going. But, anyway, we slung our packs onto our backs, and ran North West.

45minutes of silent running went past, until Kai broke the comfortable silence.

"Did anyone recognise the..thing speaking? It couldn't of been the Overlord, Lloyd, you destroyed him..right?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I destroyed him" I quickly answered.

"Did the Overlord ever have a brother?..Or something?" Cold popped in.

"No, he did not" Zane adds.

"What's going on!!" Jay panics.

"Relax, we'll figure it out..I'd be more concerned about Reanne" Kai reminds them off the Purple Ninjas situation.

After that, we were back in silence, the only sound being our boots thudding on the ground. Unlike the silence before, this one was awkward, unwanted. My brain gears turning away as I replayed the strange event that happened earlier, nothing but Reanne in my head.

Her scream, her plea for help. I had so many questions that were dying to be answered, like a lion trying to be released from a cage. She dragged on my mind. Something seemed..familiar about her, something I couldn't grasp, something on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't just say.

I felt like I..knew her, that we were connected in some strange way.

One way or another..I would discover this connection, relationship, whatever it was. I would find out.


Just like Zane had calculated; at 8:53pm we had stopped running the desert for today. It had got to dark to run and, to be honest, we were all too worn out by the 'adventure' of the day, we had found a tiny canyon in the ground and climbed down it (which wasn't too far down, a couple of meters underground) to rest. We weren't fussed at where we were sleeping, we had packed pillows, sleeping bags and blankets anyway, basically we just wanted to have a break. It was now 10:12pm.

Jay had dropped like a dead fly, Zane was asleep but only just, he's a light sleeper, a feather dropping would probably wake him up. Cole was slipping in and out of sleep, both Kai and myself couldn't sleep.

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