1. BSM: You Have An Eating Disorder

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"Hey." I whispered, my hands in my pockets as I stood at my little sister's hospital doorway.

She didn't look better, her bones were still nearly breaking the skin. Her skin was still pale, nearly transparent. I was hoping I would see change; see her with her beaming smile and glowed skin. But I had to come to the realization that it had only been a week. They couldn't have done so much to her within that time span, but I wish they could've.

"Hey." Y/n smiled.

She sat up, running towards me with her arms wide open. I didn't hesitate to squat down a bit so that she can fit against me the way she always did. It had only been one week and I miss her like crazy. The fact that she's not with our family because she's in a hospital, it makes me miss her more.

She didn't have to leave if this didn't happen.

"Baby sis, I miss you" I whispered, trying to compose the sadness that has overcome me.

"I miss you too." She whispered, her arms squeezing around me even tighter than they already were.

Pushing her softly away from me, I looked into her sunken eyes, sighing as I rub my thumb against her cheek.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

My sister instantly put on the best smile she could, as if she were practicing how she would hide the pain. It killed me knowing it was fake, that she was trying to hide all of the pain and struggles she's been feeling. For me to reach out for her and understand is all I want, it's all I'm asking for.

"Really good. My counselor has been really nice to me and she takes care of me. I mean, she's nothing like you guys but she-"

"No, Y/n." I whispered, rubbing my thumbs up and down her face out of frustration, "come here."

Leading her toward her twin bed, I sat down on the foot of it, patting my hand next to me.

She sat down, hesitantly, knowing that her battles were losing. She picks her nails instantly, and I knew she was preparing for what was to come.

"How are you doing?" I repeated, this time giving her a stern look.

Her face suddenly turned serious. He eyebrows creased inwards, and I could see the pain behind her barriers. It wasn't until a couple seconds after giving her my attention that her eyes began to water, her face scrunching up in attempt to hold back the tears. She turned away from me, her wet eyes fluttering closed. She was swallowing her sobs, her entire face diminishing into somebody so broken.

I instinctively wrap my arms around her, rubbing her back in soft zig-zag lines.

"Sh sh sh. Y/n, it's okay. It's okay."

"No it's n-not!" Her voice raised, stomping her feet against the floor.

"I hate it here! I hate everything! I never have any time alone! They're always h-here and always checking on me! I never get more th-than thirty minutes by myself and when I am I can't do anything! I HATE IT HERE! I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!" She screamed, her cries straining away her voice.

My heart was breaking, I could feel it. It was shaking, hanging on a thread. But my sister needs me, she needs me to hold her together in order for her to believe she can do this. She needs me to be strong enough for the both of us, and I was willing to muster up my strength for her.

"I promise, H-Harry! I promise I will eat and I will fix myself if you just take me home." She sobbed, her bottom lip trembling as inhumane noises escaped her mouth.

"I just want to go home." She whispered.

I watched as her body gave out from under her. Every bit of power she once held had turned into pieces. My sister, my beautiful sister, so destroyed and fatigued. Her voice had broken, and maybe she did too. I couldn't imagine what it was like for her to live alone in a small room, being forced to eat, being harassed, and being tested at only age 16. It must be scary, not knowing what they're planning for you or what their intentions are.

When I was younger, I always was asked what super powers I had wanted. If I could be strong enough to do something impossible, what would I do? I never knew what to say; what I wanted. There were endless possibilities for me to take, and I was always left with no answer. But now, if I could do the impossible, I would be strong enough to cure the worst; to cure my sister.

Tears slid down my face as I just held my baby sister, who was trembling and whimpering against me.

She's scared. I know she's scared. She doesn't know when she'll be home, when she'll recover. She doesn't know if someone here could support her; hold her hand through all of this.

"Y/n" I whispered, voice cracking under my tears, "you're going to be okay. Do you hear me? You're going to get through this. Starvation is not stronger than you, you and I both know that. You are going to be the strongest I know you are. The doctor said you need to gain a good 10-15 pounds in order for you to get out of here. So are you gonna do that?"

She shook her head, more tears running down her face as she fisted my shirt in her hands.

"I don't think I can do this. I don't have anyone here to let me know that I'm strong enough to p-pull through because I can't. I know I can't. It's so hard, Harry, it's so hard."

"I know sissy, I know."

I kissed the top of her head, resting my chin on top of it. It wasn't until a very young woman walked into the room with a tray of food that me and Y/n let go of each other.

"Here is your lunch, Y/n. Your guest here want anything?" She asked.

"I'm alright, thank you." I smiled, waving at her before she swiftly exited the room.

An eery silence filled the room, and I could tell that Y/n was feeling uncomfortable with the situation of her having to eat in front of me.

Sighing, I grab the tray in front of us. Chicken salad sandwich with an apple, water, and an orange.

"How about we try the healthy stuff first, yeah?"

Grabbing the already peeled orange, I ripped off the small pieces and put them onto her plate in an organized manner.

"Because I know you hate apples" I smiled, placing her plate on top of her lap.

She smiled, her shaking fingers slowly grabbing a piece of the orange. Once she ate the first piece, she ate the rest without a problem.

"Do you think I could have half of the sandwich? I may not finish it, but I want to try."

I smiled.

"Of course."

I placed half of the sandwich on her plate. At first, she inspected it. She poked it, took off the bread, smelt it. She gagged a bit, but quickly composed herself.

She looked up at me, the look of determination on her face. She gave me a nod, slowly placing the corner of the sandwich in her mouth.

Once she swallowed, I could tell she wanted nothing but to take it out of her system. But nothing seemed to stop her, because she quickly took another bite, as if she wanted this to be over with.

"It's the smallest step, but I'm so proud of you." I whispered.

I heard her chuckle, just the slightest bit under her breath.

"You're my motivation, Harry. I've always wanted to be you. Maybe if I'm normal, I can be as great as you."

I reached out to touch her hair, tears running down my face. I couldn't believe how someone so amazing could be apart of my life. My beautiful sister, stronger than anybody I have ever known.

"You already are. You're better than me, Y/n. So much better."

A/N First one!!!!!!!!!

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