67. Yacht Part 1

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"Wow, now THAT is a large boat."

Harry laughed from where he stood beside you. "That it is, babe. That it is. Come on, let's get on it."

You weren't entirely sure how you had gotten lucky enough to spend New Years weekend on a yacht with a bunch of people who were way more famous than you were. Harry had invited you before Christmas and promised you that you would have the time of your life. He told you that you deserved to have a weekend of fun after all the hard work you had put in the past year trying to get your debut album off the ground. There had been months of recording, promoting and playing at different venues across the UK, US, and Canada. Truthfully, you were exhausted and welcomed the weekend away. Also, you had it on good authority to never turn down any invitation that Harry presented to you.

You were fairly certain that everyone plus their mother knew that you had a thing for Harry, but they were gracious enough not to announce it to him. You honestly had no idea if Harry returned any of your feelings. Being a naturally flirty and loving person he joked with you all the time, throwing an arm around your shoulders while you were hanging out, calling you "babe" as a term of endearment, and even falling asleep in your lap from time to time. But he acted that way with a lot of people and you didn't want to read anything into it.

Once you got on the yacht you had no idea where to even begin. You could go swimming, you could sit up and read on the deck, you could go inside, you could literally do whatever you wanted.

"Just watch for paparazzi." Harry had said. "They're sneaky."

You were just now starting to get a taste of what life was like when you were constantly followed by paparazzi. You always attempted to be at least cordial with them, but wisely chose not to say too much whenever they asked you questions.

You heard a shrill female voice yell from another part of the deck, "HARRY! You made it!"

You looked and saw a familiar face running towards you. You had met Kendall a couple of times over the past year, but didn't really know her that well. She grabbed Harry and pulled him into a hug and then reached over to give you one as well.

"I'm so glad you guys are here. We're going to have so much fun!"

Something in your stomach twinged a little bit. Kendall was really nice, and you knew that the television persona was simply that; a persona. But you also knew that she had a history with Harry and you were jealous of that. They were still very good friends and both very flirtatious individuals. You were a little worried about what would transpire over the next few days, but you decided to try to suck it up and deal with it and just enjoy your time.

The group of you that had gathered on the yacht headed out for dinner the first evening you were there. There was a large enough group that you were able to blend in with everyone. You knew that fans had spotted you, but they all seemed mostly interested in Harry.

You were seated next to Harry at dinner, you on one side and Kendall on his other side. You chatted and made small talk and laughed with the people around you. You didn't even really talk to Harry at all during dinner, as you found yourself in a very interesting conversation with someone on your other side. It was only as you were getting up to leave that you glanced over and saw something that made your stomach drop a little bit.

As she was standing to leave, Kendall reached her hand over and gently rubbed Harry's back as she said goodbye. To anyone else, this was a very normal gesture for a friend to do to another friend. The logical side of your brain was saying that it meant nothing, but the rest of you was screaming.

You tried not to let it bother you for the rest of the night, but by the time you got to bed you were seething. You wanted so badly to be that person for Harry, and he always gave you so many indications that he enjoyed your company in that way, but he had spent the entire evening post-dinner with her on the boat deck. Granted, both of them had tried to include you in their conversations but you just felt too uncomfortable with it at that point; like you were the third wheel disturbing a date. It seemed that every time you looked over at them, Kendall had a leg over Harry's or Harry had an arm on Kendall. You almost felt a little possessive at that point; as if you were the only one who should be that touchy-feely with Harry, even though you knew you had no right to feel that way.

You found yourself tossing and turning in your cabin for over an hour, but you couldn't fall asleep. You finally decided to take a walk on the boat deck in the hope that it would help calm you down.

As the cold air hit you, you breathed it in and it instantly made you feel better. The atmosphere around you was deathly quiet; the only sounds being the waves hitting against the side of the boat. You started making your way around the deck, enjoying the quiet, trying to consciously take breaths and not let the events of the evening bother you.

As you rounded a corner you could hear mumbling a bit ahead of you. As you got closer, the mumbling turned to giggling. You could make out two distinct voices, and you could tell just by the deep voice and tone who the male voice was. It didn't take a genius to figure out who the female voice belonged to.

You ducked down behind a deck chair and strained your neck trying to see what was going on. What you saw felt like a kick in the gut. Harry and Kendall were laying on one of the deck chairs, a blanket draped over each of them. Kendall was leaning over Harry, whispering something in his ear and giggling. Harry's hand was resting on her hip. After a moment, Kendall dropped her head to Harry's and strained to give him a kiss.

You didn't want to see any more. That was enough to make your heart stop and a giant lump to form in your throat. As you got up to run back to your cabin, the tears started to fall down your cheeks. You had just lost your chance with Harry. You should have made a move months ago, but you were scared. Now it was too late. You wanted nothing more than to jump off that boat and swim back to shore right there and then. All you could see in your mind was him kissing Kendall.

But what you didn't see was Harry hearing you get up from your hiding spot and watching you as you ran away. 

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