6. You Were Raped

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"I think I should dump you out now before I get caught, now shouldn't I?" the man's raspy voice questioned, watching her every move without taking a blink. Shivers crawled down y/n's spine as she backed her more into the corner of the wall, a way of hiding from him. His body kneeled right in front of hers, and the closeness of his body to hers was the most unsafe feeling she could ever feel.

"Oh how I'm going to miss fucking this pretty lil' body of yours" he sighed, grazing his finger tips over her bare legs.

She flinched away from him, sobbing as she tried to back away more, but the cold wall prevented her, making her have no escape. The man chuckled as his body came closer, hovering over her as y/n's body began to shake vigorously.

"One last taste, and I'll dump you out. How does that sound?" he questioned, lowering his face so he can smell her, smell the vulnerability and fear that had become such a drug to him. While doing that he quickly forced two of his grimy fingers into her.

"I'm surprised you're still as tight as you are, I was sure I loosened you up a bit, baby.'' He said

She yelled out in pain, as soon as she felt his third finger go in, shaking her head so she didn't have to feel him there—feel him crawling on her skin and his rough skin against hers, his fingers in her. He pulled his fingers out and forced them into her mouth, making her taste herself. With his other hand he yanked her chin turning her face toward his, taking a look into her gray, dull eyes.

"You fucking look at me, you dirty little whore!" he barked at her, making her eyes widen, but her body obey.

He smiled, his hand running along her face as he admired how well he's taught her these passed few days.

"Good girl" he smiled before planting a wet, sloppy, hungry kiss on her lips, trying to pry her mouth open with the hold of her chin, but she put her lips together and squeezed them shut.

"Come on, give it to me. Give it to me or you'll stay here" he threatened.

She couldn't imagine staying in here longer, not even for a minute. She was so trapped in complete darkness, preventing her from finding any exit to escape. Her clothes were in threads, and he would repeatedly hurt her if she made any kind of noise. The thought made her stomach churn, sending her to release a gag. The man took the opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth, something that made her nearly puke onto him, but she held it in. It was too risky to make him mad. Way too risky.

The man lasted one last second before he ripped away from her. She gasped for air, throwing up as she exhaled the disgusting taste of his saliva.

Moments later, she felt herself being dragged by her hair outside of the unknown building. She put her hands on his, trying with all the strength she had left to make him let go, but fighting to her was something so energy taking now. She couldn't do it even if she tried. Exhaustion taking over so much of her body, that everything made her so unbelievably numb.

"Look outside the fucking window and I'll kill you before you can blink" he seethed at her, throwing her in the passenger seat aimlessly. She lay how she landed, not finding any motivation to move. She coughed, feeling a reactant to the taste of this disgusting man that took away something so special to her. Something so special to her boyfriend, she felt like it was all her fault. If she had just listened to Harry to not walk home, none of this would of happened.

Harry. His name was enough to make her crave him. She missed him more she ever thought her heart could miss somebody. She just wanted to hear him—to know he was still existing.

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