65. He Hurts You Without Meaning To Part 4

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He wakes up from Y/n's loosening grip, her fingers trying to slip from his. Unconsciously, still dazed from sleep, his hand holds tighter against hers, pulling her arm against his chest until he can feel her pulse against his heart.
She loosens her grip again, fighting her arm out of his strong hold.

"Harry, no" she whispers so quietly, that if it weren't so silent in this room, he wouldn't be able to make out her words.

His eyes open, wide, shocked because it hasn't hit him sooner.

"Y/n!" He gasps, letting his body fling up so that he can get a good look at her.

She's pale, lips chapped, and her eyes glare nothing but anger. She remembers everything, her entire body shows it, but there's nothing she can do to stop him from explaining himself. He needed to explain himself, because if he doesn't, it'll seem as though he had Y/n leave without a fight. And he needed to fight for her.

"Y/n, I'm so fucking sorry, please let m-"

"I don't care. It's two in the morning and I feel like shit. Just take me home." She growls, pulling the blanket closer to her.

He pushes bis lips into a line, nodding his head understandingly. Especially in her condition, he wasn't going to fight her. She is already going through more than she deserved. He gets up from his seat to call a nurse from the hall, but no nurses were to he seen by the reception desk. He was about to press the "need of assistance" button before a nurse came in to run tests.

"Oh, hello, Harry. Has Y/n awoken yet?"

"Yes, she just woke up. She wants to know if she can go home yet."

The nurse nods slowly before walking up to Y/n's bed. She checks everything needed for her tests, and Harry hopes desperately that she's able to go home. He doesn't know if he can spend another night worrying about her.

"You seem to be in good shape, but I recommend taking it easy the next few days. Too much movement can put you at risk. You can experience lightheadedness, migraines, nausea, or concussions. So, again, take it easy for a week or so and you should be perfect."

"Thank you." Y/n smiles, standing from the bed, but nearly falling over the second she stands up right.

"Woah, there. I guess we're taking it reallyeasy, huh?" Harry questions, holding onto her sides to keep her balance.

The nurse smiles, writing down her last bit of information.

"Okay. You can change into your previous clothes. Just leave the gown on the bed once your done and you'll be good to go!"

Harry thanks the nurse before providing Y/n with what she needs. She still hasn't even looked at him, much less spoke to him. No matter what Harry does, Y/n completely brushes it off. And it's not like Harry can blame her, he knows it's his fault. If he could have just talked the argument out like any other normal boyfriend would, they wouldn't be in this position. They could be sleeping together, or making love. They could be doing anything other than packing to leave the hospital.

"Are you ready?" Harry asks, drumming his fingers on his knees.

"Sure" Y/n breathes out, folding the gown upon the bed so that the nurses can clean the room later.

It's been a short ride so far, and silence is completely making Harry insane. He reaches for her hand, a habit he developed ever since he started dating her. There was never a trip Harry made where he wasn't holding her hand, or imagining it. The action was essential, more of a need than a want when it came to traveling.

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