53. You Are Poor And He Doesn't Know

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''Hey, Y/n, do you mind closing up for me?" Britney asked, hanging her apron on the rack.

"Guess not" I mumbled, collecting the money from the cash register with half opened eyes.

I've been working since 8 am, after dropping off my siblings to school. My breaks have only been consisting of taking care of my siblings; my sleeping schedule barely existent.

Ever since my dad had passed away and my mother leaving us, I've been working three full time jobs and taking the classes I'm able to afford.

On top of that, I have to pay for the babysitter. She's like a second mother to them. She's always there whenever I'm not, and although I'm working more than being home, my siblings know I'm helping them.

I'd never leave them alone.

I'm surprised I've been able to make a stable living. Although my house is small with only three bedrooms, I can't complain. I have enough money to put food and water on our table, and give all three of them an effective education.

Sighing, I placed the money where my manager had directed me to. Rubbing the tired tears away from my eyes, I shifted my gaze to my watch.

10:30 pm. Maybe I'll be able to get the first good nights sleep within the last week.

Placing my apron on the rack, I turned off all the lights before quickly exiting the diner.

As I was locking the door, my phone began to ring. Sighing, I slid my phone out of my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered, not having any intention on seeing who it was.

"Hello my love" I heard my boyfriend, Harry, say on the other side of the phone.

If one thing could really make me happy after a rough day, it was him.

"Hi Harry. Why you callin'?" I yawned, walking across the street.

"I miss you. Do you want to stay over tonight? We can watch American Horror Story. I found a website where they have season three!" He said enthusiastically.

I giggled, shaking my head at how adorable he is. He always gets excited over the tiny things in life. Phone calls like this make me miss him.

"I can't, Harry." I frowned, "I just got out of work. I'm walking home now. The babysitter can't stay the night."

"Oh." Harry whispered.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I miss him so much. During times like these, all I want is for him to hold me and sing me to sleep.

"Maybe I can come ov—never mind. Never mind. I'm sorry I asked."

"It's okay." I whispered.

"I just really miss you, that's all."

"I miss you so much." I cried softly, a single tear falling from my eye, "so much."

The line went quiet, his breathing the only evidence he was still there. I closed my eyes lightly, frowning at how distant this relationship was becoming.

I should tell him how bad it really was, being this poor. I never wanted him to pity me, especially since he had a wealthy amount of money. I don't want him to see me differently.

"I'll come over tomorrow, yeah? Maybe around 12? I'll ask for a longer break."

"It's okay, Y/n, if you can't. But I'd love to."

I smiled, walking up to my driveway while grabbing my house keys.

"I love you." I said, shoving my keys into the key hole.

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