55. The Boys Tell Him To Break Up With You Part 2

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It was suddenly cold in his house. Maybe it was because she left, and there was one less person in the house. Or maybe it was the sadness that had completely captivated him from that point on.

He was lost.

So lost, that in fact, he hasn't moved from the roof in days. It seems that the only time he would leave was when he had to sleep or eat, or use the toilet. He never left for any other reason.

The roof was the only place he was able to think, ever since he was little.

It was a break from all the memories in their house. It wasn't the same without her. It was silent, so completely lifeless that being in there for too long drove him insane.

He sighed, wrapping the blanket tighter around him as the cold air blew against his skin.

It was silent, it was calming, and just for three good seconds, he forgot all about what had happened.

Suddenly, his phone rang next to him. His eyes shot open and he quickly looked down, hoping to see Y/n's name creep upon his screen. But it wasn't her, it was Liam. He didn't feel like answering, not to any of them, anyway, but he figured that he'd give them a heart attack if he didn't answer after one week of being missing.

"Harry? Oh my God, Harry." Liam said.

He had such relief in his voice.

Harry stayed silent, only focusing on the breeze that had been pushed against him.

"Harry, please, where are you?"

He sighed, his gaze being kept right upon the horizon.

"I don't know anymore. I just want Y/n. I really need her."

"Harry pl—"

"That's all I need right now."

"Harry listen to m—Harry?! HARRY?!" Liam screamed into the phone.

The line went dead, and Liam knew he had lost him.

"Fuck! One damn time he answers and all he asks for is Y/n. Guys, we need to find her. We really need to find her."

"Yeah, but where the hell is she?" Niall asked.

Zayn sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"She loves that abandoned little cafè just a few blocks down. Maybe she's there?" He asked.

The boys nodded, tapping Zayn on the shoulder, as if a sign to tell him that it could possibly be a chance that she was there.

"We can't waste time. We have to go." Louis said, grabbing his coat.

For some reason, they had forgotten about a car. They just ran, as if it was the only possible way they could get there. Maybe they were trying to run to her because it felt better that way. Like their hard work was what they felt she had deserved.

Once reaching the cafè, they saw her there, reading a small book upon an old table.

"Y/n" Zayn breathed, all of the boys out of breath from all the running they had done.

Y/n looked up at them, her dull eyes meeting their frantic ones.

Taking a good look at her now, they knew just how serve this had caused her. She looked nothing like herself. All of the life that had made her so different had been sucked out of her like venom.

Her blue eyes were grey.

He tan skin now fare.

She looked back down at her book. She had no intention on talking with them. If they really had thought she was bad news, she had no care for what they had to say.

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