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No one's POV:
When you flipped Jacob you heard two voices chuckling behind you, Hikaru and Kaoru.

"W-What are you doing h-here..." you asked ignoring the X-boyfriend lying on the ground balling his eyes out.

"We didn't know, " Hikaru started "you had a boyfriend before us." Kaoru finished with a smirk.

"Your dating those twins??!!!" Jacob called out crying even more. "WHAT NO! AND WHY WOULD YOU CARE JACOB?!" you turned away from the twins to yell at Jacob. (Y/f) saw the fight and ran up to you yelling.

"(Y/N)!!! WHO THE HELL ARE- wait... uhhh (y/n)... i-is t-that..." you nodded. She grabbed your hand stood on a desk then jumped into an air vent pulling you with her. "How the hell are the twins here!?" She whisper shouted at you (not sure if that made sense but let's go with it).

"I don't know actually, but I told you I did go to the anime world." You said with a smirk, she rolled her eyes and you both jumped back out of the air vent. Unfortunately you jumped out at the wrong time the teacher was walking into the class room when you landed on top of the twins.

"(Y/n), (f/n), please get off the new students you can make out with them later." she said sorta serious and sorta not. (Wow I really suck at explaining stuff any who... TO THE STORY!)

You blushed when you realized the position you were in, you quickly got up and helped kaoru up cuz he was the twin you landed on. you heard a squeal coming from your friend, you rolled your eyes and pried her of the now awkward looking twin.

"Uh... sorry hikaru, kaoru..." You said looking at the floor than making eye contact again. " my friend's a bit of an otaku... and you might have guessed already your her favourite characters." you said mumbling a bit than going to sit down at the desk in the very back.

Y/N's POV:

I sat at the back of the class in my usual spot cuz the teacher can't see me and its a great time to catch some z's. I grabbed (f/n)'s hand and dragged her to the desk beside mine, I glanced over at the twins and motioned them to come sit. they nodded at sat in front of us. I don't want to move like at all and I know I will eventually have to. I decide to rest my eyes for just a second but quickly open them again to look at the teacher with confusion.

"Five! No, Six!" I say pretending that I was listening

"Miss (l/n) , that information would be great!... if it were math."

"Suuuuuuuuure you've pulled this trick on me before! I will not be fooled by youuuuuuuus." I say with a smile of acomplishment.

I than hear yelling coming from the hall... tamaki?

"Y/N!!!!! WHERE IS MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER!!!!!!" tamaki yells bursting into my class room.

"Miss l/n! please keep your friends out of the class!" my teacher yells from her desk, tamaki than walks up to her and grabs her hand kissing it... may i just say GAG!!! "and may I ask who you are...." Tamaki says getting too close for my liking... wait what... Well she is my teacher... hmmmmmm... ding!!!!! ideaaaaaaaa!!!!

"Daddy can you please stop flirting with my teacher... it's kinda weird." I say in the most innocent voice I could.

"W-what did u just call me?" tamaki says looking at me with puppy eyes. I sigh bracing myself for a death hug. "I called you daddy, senpai don't be all weird on me now plzzzzzzz." I look at him and he grins from eat to ear, I than realize the silence coming from the twins I look over at them and they were sleeping, kaoru resting his head on Hikaru's arm. I let out a small giggle... what... no... I.DONT.GIGGLE. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME!!!! anywaaaaaaays moving on I can't help but go over to them and kiss their foreheads. I then feel a glare coming from Jacob and tamaki I go over to them and look up at them and tilt my head looking cute af.

"Something wrong?" I say innocently, I feel evil smirks coming from behind me I try to ignore it for a while.

"WHY DID YOU KISS THOSE SHADY TWINS" tamaki and Jacob both say at the same time. "STOP COPYING ME! STOP! NO! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" they shout at each other for about ten minutes while I sit back and watch the show. I then feel the evil eyes on me I turn to see the twins behind me... crap.

"So y/n..." hikaru started putting his arm around my shoulder and kaoru did the same. "you kissed us. why...." kaoru finishes

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hear five voices call... great more people. I step out of the way so I don't get run over, as I take that last minute step I dodged the five people that were running in the class room. First honey came in the class running over the angry xboyfriend and tamaki, followed by a certain blue haired shorty. konata, she is in her second year of high school. And finally there were two purple haired twins (girls) who ran over the orange haired ones, the twins are tsukasa the younger one with short hair and a headband with a bow and the older one kagami she had long purple hair and were in two big pony tails. I knew that there should be at least three more people coming in so I sat and watched.

"Y-y/n I'm coming just a- whoops! ow ow ow!" and there was miyuki-San, she tripped over her own foot. miyuki was a tall pink haired-big glasses-and a clumsy girl. I always liked her, she's been my best friend since preschool.

"Miy-chan! are you okay!" I heard honey squeal getting up off of tamaki, Jacob and konata.

"People call those Moët (not sure if i spelt that right) points!" Konata exclaims.

"Moët... Points?" me, tsukasa, kagami and miyuki say. I tilt my head in confusion.

"She's a natural air head a total cutie pie!" Konata said in her weird normal kinda way... this happens a lot now that I think about it....

"Konata! What have you been thinking tho while time!" Tsukasa says disturbed and weirded out.

"I'm hello," kaoru starts "we're still here can u get off please." hikaru finishes. I know what they mean their heavier than they look... well kagami is, but I still love her I mean their my besties if I just left them than... I don't know what I'd do.

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