Hosts meet the hostess

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"I'm hello," kaoru starts "we're still here can u get off please." hikaru finishes. I know what they mean their heavier than they look... well kagami is, but I still love her I mean their my besties if I just left them than... I don't know what I'd do.


"I-I uh I- s-sorry..." tsukasa says shyly and gets up and helps kagami up. "What no help for the ones who got tackled." hikaru said and may I just add he got sass like damn. "No you don't cuz you guys are butts!" kagami shouted at them. hikaru and kaoru looked pretty surprised at their response. I walk over to them and pull the girls away for a second to talk to them.

"Um you guys do realize those guys are from one of the anime's konata and I watch right!" I whisper shouted at them. they looked at me like I was stupid and than laughed... except for konata who was talking to honey.

"You think we'd know if someone was from an anime especially this one!" Miyuki says still laughing.

"Yah we've been to your house for one day and already know the names of all the characters!" kagami says trying to contain her laughter.

"Ha ha it is pretty funny how you have so many posters of them!" tsukasa says between laughs. I roll my eyes and we all walk back to the group I go over to konata and honey.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy what'cha doin?????" I ask.

"Nothing much just talking to my new boyfriend!!!!!" konata says jumping up and down holding honey.

"And does he know this cuz u can't decide it on Your own konata." I say smirking she just states at me.

"he does know it! right senpai!" she yells looking over to honey.

"I-I don't know...😖 TAKASHIIII!!!!!!!!!!" Honey yells running over to mori and climbs up on his back.

"I finally found someone who shorter then me that's older than me!!!!!!" konata yells jumping to try and reach honey on mori's shoulders. she pouts and I offer for the girls to come over for a sleep over to think bout things they all agreed and then the bell rings.


~~~~~~time skip brought to you by my fricken horrible memory!~~~~~~

After school:

"So y/n! since we don't know where we are! We will be staying with you!" tamaki says while we walk to the drama room, Our school doesn't use it so me am my friend use it as a club room.

"one, I never agreed to that tamaki infancy I never even mentioned it! two, you guys will have to wait out side for a few minutes while we get ready. And threeeee please don't do anything to bug the customers!" I say looking at all of them giving each one a death glare. I walk into the club room and go get changed into a Hawaiian get up. I twirl around a couple of times in the mirror watching my grass skirt flow. I also had a floral bikini top and a Lai on my head wrists and ankles, I leave my hair down and go meet the rest of the club.



Type: girl Lolita

Acts like the girl version of mitsukuni haninosuka (honey). She usually talks about manga and video games and anime in the club and out. she likes to eat and is super lazy even though she is a good athlete.


Type: mischievous and innocent

With her twin sister tsukasa they do the 'sisterly love' act like hikaru and kaoru but unlike the other twins kagami and tsukasa are a bit more on the natural side. kagami and tsukasa are fraternal twins which means they were born in different eggs unlike identical twins who look exactly like each other and are born in the same egg.

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