Yet another sleep over...

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Y/N's POV:

When I got home I go up stairs and ly on the floor. I don't even wait to get in the door my legs collapse out of exhaustion and I pull my self over to the kitchen with my hands.

"Crap." I forgot that the hosts are here. I run over to the door and open it leaving a dent in the wall from the slam that happened from the door nob. I motion them into the back yard so they can frolic around or whatever rich people do in their spare time. I put up a tent for them to stay in cuz I don't trust none of them.

"H-hey y/n... are we sleeping in that. " the twins say tilting their heads toward the overly sized tent.

"It's like the Fricken size of my house!!!!! And your complaining about that!!!" I yell at them they stay frozen and I just walk away.

"Crap." I keep forgetting everything today! I get my phone from my back pocket and text konata, tsukasa, Kagami and miyuki. "Heya guys come over ASAP."

A few seconds later...

"WE GOT YOUR TEXT WHAT'S WRONG!?" konata kicks down the door. "uh nothing's wrong konata... I texted asap so that you'd know that u can come over whenever." I said she froze for a second and then picked up the door and put it back in its spot.

"The guys r sleeping out side so we can sleep in here... hey where's kagami, miyuki and tsukasa?" I ask because usually konata is the last one to show up.

"Their coming in twenty minutes." Konata states.

"Alrighty then! Want a f/d (favorite drink)?" I say walking to the kitchen. Konata nods and follows me. I go to the fridge and get two f/d. We go up to my room and watch anime for hours until the rest of the hostess club gets here

~~~~~~~meanwhile with the hosts~~~~~~~~

Kaoru's POV:

While y/n was inside doing... what ever she was doing I decided to look around the tent. There were 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms and a living room. It was like a small house. I then hear tamaki yelling.

"HARUHI IT'S OKAY DADDY'S COMING!!!!!" he yells at Haruhi with excitement..... does he know she's a girl yet... yeah probably....
Haruhi stands in the doorway of the tent looking like she saw a ghost. I walk up to her and poke her.

"HEY! stop that!" She shouts, yeah she's fine. "How did you get here." I ask in unison with hikaru than I started leaning on her shoulder Hikaru doing the same.

"Well I don't know, one moment I was eating ramen at the dinner table and the next thing i know im in a room that I've never seen in my life. I got out of the room and asked someone where y/n was because she's the only one that would understand this strange place..." Haruhi said trailing of and looking around the tent.

"Well y/n is in the house doing something and- wait how did you know where y/n lives..." Hikaru says still on her shoulder.

"Well apparently she's really popular and everyone knows where she lives." Haruhi states. Huh I never would have thought y/n would be popular.

"According to my calculations at least 2 people would clame their love to y/n at least once a month. " kyoya says as if he was reading my thoughts.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~back to you~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/n's POV:

I was in the living room with konata when the door bell rang it was kagami tsukasa miyuki natalia and... Chie Asami and Emiko????!!!! (The girls I met in Ouran.)

"Hey guys.... how did you get here." I motioned to the three Ouran attendees. (Not sure if that made sense)

"Well we ran into these amaaaaaaazing commoners!" Asami stated poking kagami tsukasa and miyuki. "Commoners?" Kagami mumbled under her breath sounding annoyed. "And they showed us where you lived!" Emiko added "AND WE ALL CAME HERE HAPPILY!!!!!!!" Chie squealed. I roll my eyes and looked at tsukasa and miyuki who looked happy to meet them... and then there's kagami who didn't look so excited.

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