Chapter 13

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A few days later Angie was going downstairs in the morning, to see her family when she saw Jade in the living room, with German on the sofa.

- What are you doing here? - Jade hissed at Angie.

- I'm living here. What are YOU doing here?! - Angie hissed back.

- I came to see my...

- Don't even say it! - now German hissed - You're here to bother us. This is the truth.

- But my love! You know I love you!

- I've been nice enough to fogive everything you have done to me, to Angie and to the whole family, but I have my limits too!

- German!

- No! Tell me what else do you want! I'll give you anything to finally have you far, far away from me!

- How can you say something like that?!

- Okay, I'll be in the kitchen if anyone would need me - Angie groaned as she headed to the kitchen quickly, not even looking at Jade, either German.

- Are you okay, darling? - asked Olga when she saw Angie coming to the kitchen, looking pretty mad.

- Jade is here, trying to manipulate German - she groaned - Of course I'm not okay!

- She won't be able to tell him anything, don't worry!

- How do you know? She has fooled him atleast 3 times already - Angie sighed frustratedly.

Olga sighed as she totally understood why Angie's upset, but she tried to stay positive for her.

In the meantime German and Jade were talking in the living room and German was starting to lose his patience.

- Jade! I am not gonna marry you ever! - he said - And we will never ever be together again, understood?!

- But German! Do you want to be alone forever?!

- Even alone is better than with someone like you - he groaned frustratedly and as Jade was about to speak again suddenly cold are came to them which coused both German and Jade to shake.

- What the hell was this cold air?! - Jade snapped while German immediately felt Maria's presence.

- Appearently we're not alone - he said with a slight smile on his face.

- Of course not!! That tutor and Olgita is in the kitchen!

- I'm not talking about them... - German said and just as he did Jade's bag flew off the table without anyone even touching it which made her jump.

- My god! - she gasped - What the hell was that?

- Believe it, or not... It's Maria.

- Maria?!

- Yes.

- God, and I thought I'm crazy!

- Call me crazy, but this is the truth... And if you stay here she might get more aggressive - he added as he remembered what the spirit of Maria did when Esmeralda was in the house.

- This is nonesense! That guy made you believe in this and Angie!

- Okay, stop this now!

The argument was going on for a while until the moment when a vase flew off the shelf, right at Jade, but landed a bit away from her, scaring her immediately.

- Ah!! - she gasped.

- I told you, Jade - German said - I told you that this isn't going to end well... But you didn't listen to me.

- German!

- Leave, Jade!

Jade was hesitating, but as some other things started moving very near around her she decided to leave as fast as she possibly can.

- Thank you, Maria... - German sighed deeply before finally standing up and going to the kitchen to see Angie and Olga peeking out on the door, but jumping back as soon as they saw him coming - She left... Don't worry - he smiled.

- Good! - Olga said - I wouldn't have allowed her to stay anyway!

German smiled as she said that while he looked over to Angie, who didn't seem to know what to say, but just stood there in silent.

- Even if she comes back I'll have help to scare her away - he added which made Angie smile, thinking about her sister's spirit.

- Great! But I hope she never comes back! - Olga groaned and she was still talking to herself while she was walking out of the kitchen, leaving German and Angie completely alone.

- Are you okay? - German asked - You seemed upset just now.

- I was... But I'm okay now - she replied - Hearing what you just said made me happy...

- That's good - he smiled as he tightened his grip around her waist - Because I don't want to lose you again because of someone like Jade, or Esmeralda... - he continued then he kissed her softly.

- Good... Because I don't want to leave you again... - said Angie with a smile which made German blush - You're so adorable... - she giggled.

- Hey!

- What now? You're the one blushing here, not me! - she laughed.

- Yeah, uh... I need to ask you something very important...

- Hm? What is it?

German took a deep breath before taking a hold of her hand and saying:

- Will you... Will you be my girlfriend? - he asked, truly scared of the answer, but he shouldn't have been so scared.

Angie smiled immediately as he ask the question and nodded...

- Yes! I'd love to be your girlfriend!

German got so happy right away that he picked her up and just kissed her passionately and happily.

Right at the same time as this was happening Olga and Ramallo were spying on them, just as Maria herself, but only German and Angie could feel her presence and feeling her happiness for them.

- I promise I'm never going to hurt you, or feel forgotten ever again... - German added one more time while still holding Angie in his arms.

- Good then... The same goes for you too... - Angie smiled as she kissed him again softly and happily.

A/N: Well... This is the end of the story.

I never planned this too long anyway... But I still hope you liked it.

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