Chapter 8

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The next day Angie woke up and she couldn't be happier. She quickly got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen to make some tea and she found German there, but it couldn't upset her too much so when she arrived she greeted him and kissed his cheek.

- Woah... - he laughed - What's up with you this morning?

- Why do you ask?

- You look quite happy this morning.

- I am happy. I don't know why, but I feel happy!

She actually knew why was she happy. She was happy because she knew who Jeremias really is and she now knew what she wants to do with the information.

- Hm, I see - German sighed as he continued drinking his coffee.

Angie looked at him for a minutes than she made her tea and sat beside him while drinking. After a while of sitting next to each other in silent German turned to Angie.

- Would you like to uhm... to have a dinner with me tonight? - he asked nervously.

- A dinner? Well... Sure, I'd like to - she replied with a smile - But why were you so nervous?

- I thought you hate me...

- I do... in some ways...

- Please, Angie... if you give me a chance I'll show you how good I can be! - German said, looking excited.

- I'll see... - she replied calmly.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Angie was in the Studio and ready for practising the duett with Zak.

- Well, good luck, Angie - said Jackie sarcastically to her.

- I don't need your good wishes - Angie replied coldly.

Jackie was about to answer that, but Pablo appeared with Zak next to them so instead she hugged him, trying to make Angie jealous, but Angie didn't care about them.

- So, are you ready? - she asked from Zak.

- I'm always ready - he replied with a smirk.

For some reason Jackie looked shocked when she saw Zak. She seemed like she got interested in him and she was the one getting jealous of Angie.

This was the time when Jeremias arrived too, checking on how the show practise goes. He was standing near the stage with Marotti calmly until he came up with an idea.

- This song is powerful and the whole room can feel your passion! - he said excitedly then he added while thinking - But something's missing... Something that would make this even better...

Angie and Zak were looking confused and so did Jeremias when suddenly Marotti jumped up on the stage and said excitedly:

- A kiss!

- What?! - Jeremias snapped - Why is that necessary? - he asked, but Marotti ignored him totally.

- What do you say lovelies?

- Well... - Angie looked at Zak hesitantly.

- I actually wouldn't mind - he said cheekily which made Angie blush and Jeremias angrier than ever.

- But it won't be a real kiss... - Jackie added.

- It can be real if both of you want it too! - said Marotti.

- Marotti!

- Okay, show must go on! - Marotti shouted as he walked away.

Meanwhile Angie got a phone call from her mother so she walked away too and Zak was left alone with Jeremias.

- Don't you even dare to kiss her! - Jeremias hissed.

- Hoho! Who are you to her? Her boyfriend and that's why you're telling me this? - Zak hissed back quite calmly.

- I... I'm her friend - he replied hesitantly.

- Her friend... yeah...

Zak then walked away.

- I can't stand him... - German thought to himself - I need to find the way to tell Angie how I feel, or he will take her away from me... I'm I can't survive that one more time...

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