Chapter 4

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- .....She ruins my family.... - They heard the voice saying that and they all froze.

- Wooo, did you hear that?! - gasped Aaron.

- Very clearly... - Zak replied.

- Yes... - mumbled Angie - And the voice is very familiar to me...

- Is it? - Zak now looked at her confused.

- Yes... But I don't know where from...

- Can it be a relative of yours? - questioned Nick.

- I don't know...

- The voice is familiar to me too... - muttered German - And somehow... it can't scare me... at all... But makes me remember some old memories...

Suddenly the same voice spoke up again.

- ....German...

- It said German! - gasped Aaron again.

German was frozen mostly because right after they heard the spirit saying his name they smelled some kind of parfume that he recognized and so did Angie.

- It's her... - he muttered.

- Who?! - questioned both Aaron, Nick and Zak.

- Maria...

- My sister... - Angie said because German couldn't answer anymore, but walked out to the kitchen to be alone a bit and Esmeralda followed him.

- This is incredible! - said Ramallo beside Angie who was trying to fight her tears back at the moment.

- It is - Zak nodded - Would you mind us coming back tomorrow night to make more investigation?

- You can come... And I can say that for German too because I'm sure he wants to know more - Ramallo replied.

- Okay, good. And Angie?

- Y-Yes?

- Can I talk to you again a bit?

- Yes, sure...

After they left the house Angie went with them.

- Okay, Zak. We're going back to the hotel, but please... Don't flirt too much with her, okay? - said Aaron cheekily.

- Shut up, Aaron! I'm not flirting! - snapped Zak, but obviously lying.

- Whatever, whatever... - grinned Nick then they both left, leaving Zak and Angie alone.

- I'm really sorry for those two idiots... - he said to Angie, but she just giggled.

- It's okay - she replied - So what did you want to talk about?

- I wanted to ask you if anyone died in the family tragically, or something...

Angie took a deep breath before she replied.

- Yes... My sister... - she muttered - My sister died in a car accident 13 years ago. She's German's ex-wife and his daughter's mother too... We were very close to each other... And her death was unexpected and very sad... And it broke our families apart too...

- This explains quite much...

- Do you think it's her who's in the house now?

- It might be her... I don't know. But this is why we're going to investigate there! - Zak said then held Angie's hand - But we need your help... Because if you were so close to her then she might will communicate with you...

- Okay... - she nodded.

----- TIME SKIP -----

The next day's evening Zak and his group arrived to the Castillo house just as they promied and they got everything ready for the investigation when Esmeralda appeared.

- I hope this hell will end after this... - she said while hugging into German.

- They're not ghost haunters, Esmeralda - hissed Angie - But they might help us about who is exactly scaring you here.

- Angie! - German groaned.

- What? She's the only one who's scared, remember!

German didn't say anything. He knew Angie was right, but he didn't want to say it in front of Esme and he was curious also about this now.

----- TIME SKIP -----

It was already dark outside and only Esme, German, Angie, Ramallo, Zak, Nick and Aaron. Olga was out because she would probably bother them with her excitment and Vilu was at Fran's so everything was calm now and quiet.

- Let's see... - Zak sighed -Who's in here? - he asked loudly - Tell me you name! Who is haunting the house!

Meanwhile recorders were turned on around the house in more rooms and also in the living room, but to the living room's there was a speaker attached to it so they can hear if any voices coming through it right away.

A few minutes passed and Zak was about to ask again when they suddenly heard a disembodied voice....

- .... I'm not haunting....


- .... She's a liar....

- Who is a liar? - questioned Nick while holding a night vision camera.

No repond.

- What's your name? You who's talking to us? - said Nick again.

No repond, but after 5 minutes...

- ..... She's a liar.... I hate her...

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