Chapter 6

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Till the morning no more activity came to the people in the Castillo house and everyone calmed down. Zak, Nick and Aaron was about to leave early in the morning when Ramallo went to talk to them and ask them about how can they handle ghosts and stuff like that while German was still sitting on the sofa in a complete shock by what happened not so long ago.

When Ramallo left the guys alone Angie went to talk to them, but suddenly instead of talk she hugged Zak while she was still shaking.

- Thank you... - she muttered - You gave me a new opportunity to talk to my sister I haven't seen, or heard for 13 years...

- Well... this is what we were here for... - Zak replied, a bit confused by how Angie just hugged him and when she let go of him he continued - We'll be in the city for a while so... if you'd like to uhm... we could meet sometimes...

- Okay, that would be good - Angie nodded and smiled.

- Didn't you say yesterday that you're not here to flirt, Zak? - questioned Nick cheekily while Aaron was laughing in the background.

- We finished with work here, didn't we? - Zak replied - So for me it's allowed now.

- What do you mean by "for me"? - snapped Aaron.

- I'm the man in the group, obviously!

Now Angie was laughing too as she was watching the three friends joking around with each other. In the end her and Zak agreed to meet on the afternoon for a date.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Angie went to the kitchen and saw German sitting there, looking into the distance.

- German! German! - she called for him, but he didn't react so Angie walked behind him and gently placed both hands on his shoulder.

- Ah! - he gasped and looked behind him so he finally noticed her - Angie...

- Are you okay, German? - she asked.

- Yeah, Yeah... I'm fine....

- I don't think you are...

- I'm fine... Just upset, that's all... But I'll be fine... Don't worry, Angie - he smiled at her then stood up and walked away.

- He seems so upset... - she thought to herself - I feel kinda bad for him... But at the same time he deserved it...

Meanwhile German locked himself into his office. He was thinking about everything that happened and he slowly realized how awful he was with the only woman he truly loves because of someone who fooled him the whole time.

- I need to go to the Studio tomorrow! - he said to himself - I need to see her..

----- NEXT DAY -----

Angie was in the music room with Jeremias when Zak appeared at the door.

- Ah hey! - Angie smiled when she saw him.

- Hello, Angie - Zak replied - I hope you don't mind me coming here...

- I do mind... - mumbled Jeremias quietly.

- No, I don't - Angie smiled - Come in! The class has already ended!

- Okay, I guess I'll leave you be now - said Jeremias then walked out. Angie didn't know what was his problem all of a sudden, but now she was more interested in Zak.

- How long will you guys stay in the city? - she asked.

- I don't know exactly... We'll be shooting in the Recoreta Cemetery and maybe catch up with some spirits tomorrow night and then it's up to us how long we're staying...

- I see - Angie nodded.

- Anyway... earlier you said you're a singing teacher, right?

- Yeah, right.

- Why don't you show me something, or how about we sing together?

- You can sing?

- Well, I'm pretty good, I must admit...

- Okay... - Angie smiled - Let's see what can you show me...

She then began to play and sing first....

Ahora sabes que, yo no entiendo lo que pasa,

Sin embargo sé, nunca hay tiempo para nada

Pienso que no me doy cuenta,

y le doy mil y una vueltas,

mis dudas me cansaron,

Ya no esperaré...

Then Zak joined too....

Y vuelvo a despertar en mi mundo

Siendo lo que soy,

Y no voy a parar ni un segundo

Mi destino es hoy

Nada puede pasar, voy a soltar

Todo lo que siento todo, todo

Nada puede pasar, voy a soltar

Todo lo que tengo, nada me detendrá

While they were singing none of them realized that Jeremias (aka German) was spying on them and he felt so jealous.

- He's about to take her away from me... - he thought to himself - I can't let that happen...

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