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"Dude.." Calum started. "What!" I retorted. "Why the fuck are you staying here? I'll let you stay with me.. you're going to get hurt.." Calum trailed off. "Calum, stop being such a fucking pussy, I just bought this place, I think I can handle a ghost fucking with me, and besides, now you're here to protect me," I said batting my eyelashes. Calum rolled his eyes, and gave me a sympathetic look, as if he was asking me one last time. "No, Cal-" I started, but quickly stopped, hearing a light scratching noise. "Do you hear that?" I asked. "Hear what?" Calum replied. I started walking through the house, Calum close behind, looking for the source of the scratching. "It sounds like a cat scratching something," I said, crouching down, trying to listen everywhere. We walked into my bedroom (which would probably end up being Calum's room, too) and the noise got louder. "Holy fuck, dude, what is that?" Calum asked. The noise continually got louder and louder. It eventually became an ear-piercing, deafening noise. "Michael make it stop!" Calum screamed. "I can't!" I yelled back, searching my closet and finding nothing. Suddenly the noise stopped completely. We both sighed in relief. "Do you seriously want to keep dealing with that?-" Calum asked, when the lights cut out, making the room pitch black. I began panicking trying to find Calum in the darkness. "Cal?" I asked flailing my arms around. The eerie silence was replaced with a loud bang and Calum screaming for me.

"Calum!" I screamed, unable to move. "Luke! Luke please!" I screamed, feeling tears forming in my eyes. I heard one last bang and I was suddenly able to move. I ran to the light switch and the room illuminated. I saw a limp Calum lying on the ground in front of me, not moving.

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